Name: Hilary
Birthday: January 4th 1987
Sign: Capricorn
Status: takne
Age: 17 (soon to be 18 in January)
Movie: Mean Girls
Colors: Blue, Orange, Black
Season: Summer.... I dont like cold weather
Music Genre: Rap, Heavy Metal, Rock, Pop, R&B
Singers/Bands: Tupac, Metallica, Green Day, Oasis,
Actor/Actress: Tom Cruise and Julia Styles
Song(s): "Enter Sandman" by Metallica, "Dreamer" by Ozzy Osbourne, "My Perogative" by Britney Spears, "Hail Mary" by Tupac,
Quotes: "Looks can be deceiving"
For curiosity's sake
Where did you hear about us? I was just looking around and found this community.
Promote us in 2 places and show proof: I will do so when I am accepted in this community.
Why do you want to join?It sounds like fun and its interesting
Give us 3 good reasons of why we should say yes?
1.) I am nice
2.) I get online alot
3.) I'm unique
5 Good Qualities: I am a really sweet person, and I am someone you can always count on, I like to have fun, I like to meet new people, and I am outgoing.
5 Bad Qualities: I speak my mind, I can be a bitch at times, I dont like to read alot of bullshit, I hate people who lie, If your lazy I will tell you to get off ur ass and do something.
If you had $1 million, how would you spend it? Be honest. No bullshitting.: I would buy myself a new car, buy my parents a new house, give my bf $20,000 to do whatever he wants to with it, and the rest would go into my bank.
Who do you look up to and why: I look up to my boyfriend because he is 19 years old and has never been in trouble with the law and hasnt tried a single drug.
If you could be anywhere in the world where would you be and why: I would be in Hawaii because it's such a beautiful place.
Abortions: If you have sex then you are ready for what could happen... if you allow to let a guy put his winkie in you then you have to deal with the results if he doesnt pull out.
Homosexuals: I have no problem with homosexual people.
Premarital Sex: If you believe you are emotionally stable, and are ready for what could possibly happen... then it's fine, but waiting till you're married would give your husband the perfect gift.
Labels: The dont really bother me at all.