myxxsunshine: we've had the best of times,and the worst. all in all, your my best friend.

Nov 22, 2004 16:55

Livejournal is officially over, for me. But as i lookback on it, every blue moon,  I'll check the comments. Please, for your last comment on ___undiscovered's livejournal, post a memorable note, picture, or just a memory in general. It would mean a lot. Thanks, and so long, livejournal.
Just a memory...
someof the best times

"  So take the photographs and still frames in your mind
Hang it on a shelf in good health and good time
Tattoos of memories and dead skin on trial
For what it's worth it was worth all the while "

Kayla Michelle Wold
Favorite Animals: Dog, racoon
Favorite Color: turquoise
Favorite Quote: "Life is what you make it"
Favoriteshows: The OC, Laguna Beach, Veronica Mars
Favorite Hobbies: singing& dancing;] ahahaha, hangingwith my best friends♥

langue de lamour: we'll miss you kayla<3
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