May 16, 2005 17:57
Well, All and all this weekend has been pretty boring...On Friday I went to the Dance and messed around with some people, After that I just went home and ate and then sat around. Yesterday I hung out with Tyler, Tommy, Matt, Zakk, Mike, John, and Kane 'cause Tyler had a bombfire, And me and John played ping-pong. It was really fun..Then later that night I talked to Matt, And we went to Tina's house to get her and Jenni, 'Cause they wouldn't answer there phones..It turned out they fell asleep. But I got 'em up. Then we went back to my house and just sat around..It was really boring. After they left I wacthed some movie then went to bed. Today I woke up at like 11:30 and ate some stuff and just sat around. And then I was really tired so I took like an hour nap. Then called Kane and Tommy. They wanted me to go to Cabrini, So I did. It was really cold, So I left. Now i'm just sitting here, Waitin'for my Porckchops to be done!:D