Ohhhh SNAP!

Aug 27, 2009 21:34

XD Ok so it's been a hell of a long time since the last update on my life, but I just wanted y'all to know I'm alive. I'm really super sorry that I haven't been doing any uploading or anything. I really can't do much of that because my computer with ALL of my stuff is currently not connected to the internet. And my new MacBook Pro has really limited space that I want to dedicate to school and only my favorite music... BUT I will still download new stuff, and upload new stuff, but I wont be able to fix any links that die until my other computer becomes connected to the net.

I've been doing very well lately. Especially after the move. Life has been quite swell, and I'm falling more and more in love with this Kanazawa boy hahaha. He lives an hour south of me and he comes up to see me several times a week. He drives a Prius, so the gas isn't too much of an issue, it's more of the time. I've only made the journey down to Northfield once... I feel kinda bad, but my parents are a little iffy about me making long trips.

This week is my last week before going off to college, and it's been a blast so far! I've seen my boy every day of the week, but won't tomorrow, Saturday or Sunday due to packing for college and stuff. I've been catching up with those high school friends that I am so ready to drop forever.

I've been battling with regret for not moving out. I really am yearning for the freedom now that I have people I care for out at the U. But that won't happen until at LEAST next semester, and even then, I don't even know if it'll be possible. I am FO' SHO gonna try to move out by sophomore year... but I don't know. I feel like such a dick leaving, it seems like I've changed so much. Hopefully I'll be able to win enough freedom to feel okay with living at home for the year.

Yuuki (my puppy) is doing fabulously. She's growing bigger and bigger every day, and she's a joy to have around. She'll be one of the things I miss the most about home. :[ I'm so reluctant to move.

college, update, life

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