Nov 02, 2005 20:54
thank you kennedy:
ten years ago:
i was six and i lived in the same neighborhood as erica house and kierstin heinbaugh(sp?). i was really weird back then but its all good. i was still really cool? umm...i went to claywell and mrs cardinale was my teacher. besides my 5th grade teacher and mr gast, she was the best teacher i ever had.
five years ago:
i was eleven and i was in 6th grade at ben hill. ben hill was ok. i didnt really like any of my friends my 6th grade year. my teacher, mrs hunter, made me cry on a weekly basis. however, my other teachers were frickin awesome. i had some cool friends who turned on me the following year. THANK YOU btw...
one year ago:
i was 15 and i was scared of mr gast, but by the middle of the secong 9 weeks, i learned that hes etremely sarcastic and also the best teacher ever. i had some cool friends. they made my life fun. thank you again...
stressful. hannah woke me up late again. i had to go to school. it was a day 2 which sucked even more. BUT...practice was cancelled thank gosh. so i got to go home and take a nap and babysitt liv.
snacks i enjoy:
CAESAR SALAD! (shut up chris)
ranch dressing
french fries
mac and cheese
what i would do with a million dollars:
buy my dream house(s)
buy my corvettes
buy my mustangs
give some to charity
save the remainder
five places i would run away to:
the Bahamas
St. Augustine
the Cayman Is.
the Virgin Is.
five things i would never wear:
baby phat
GALVIN KLEIN (i love you kennedy so much for pointing that out to me)
fake purses
a one piece bathing suit
a wrestling singlet
five bad habits:
nail biting/picking
throwing up!
five favorite toys:
cell phone
MIKE JONES! (aka my car)
ten people to tag:
no cause this takes forever!