Oct 30, 2005 07:37
Turn-on or Turn-off?
GIRLS: turned ON or OFF when a guy:
Is skinnier than you: no i LOVE skinny boys!
Has straight teeth: god, if you dont have straight teeth dont both cause i am a FREAK about teeth!
Wears braces: turn OFF
Has green eyes: cute
Has blue eyes: BABY BLUE ....yummmy
Has brown eyes: light brown? ha HOTT
Smokes pot: nasty nado'
Wears glasses: HOTT.
Has a tan: as long as theyre not TOO pale!
Works out: no buff guys arent my type
Smiles alot: cuttte
calls u just to say hi: dont like wasting minutes but you can text me! i think thats oober cute!
Lets you know he was thinking about you: in a text....LOVE IT! haha
Sings: hottt
Compliments you: yeah
Shaves his legs: wtf?! queer.
Has facial hair: SOMETIMES it's hott but it does NOT i repeat DOES NOT feel good on my face when i`m getting kisses it feels like i`m rubbin' against sand paper. so not a lot baby girl just a lil'bit!
Wears jewelry: depends
Wears cologne: please. you just smell better.
Smiles when you walk into the room: :)
Has brown/black hair: hotttt
blonde hair: hottt
red hair: FIRE CROTCH STEWY!!!!!!
Can make you laugh at any given moment: yah
Doesnt care what a lot of people think: um no cause those are usually the guys who make complete jackass's out of themselves and dont try AT ALL to make your parents like them.
Loyal: definately
Laid back: yes
Laughs a lot: yeah
WANTS to hang out with ONLY you: HELL NO!! damn psycho's!
Dimples: cuuute
Wants to be a dad: HELL NO!!..i have enough kids in my life.
Plays an instrument: yeah
Gives you flowers for no reason at all: love it
Dresses like a prep: cute but i like the lil'skater boys better :) but *J* & *B* are hotttttt...
Dresses in ALL black:no
Tattoos: YES!
Owns/Drive a Car: duh.....
Owns/Drives a Trucks: hott
Owns/Drives a Motorcycle: god no. WHERE AM I SUPPOSED TO SIT?!
Flirts with you: yes
Opens the car door for you: yes
Believes in love@1st sight: then theyre a liar.
Likes 2 party alot: hell yeah!
Is religious: ehh i don't want a guy telling me what to do religously and all but i mean whatever.
GUYS: Turned ON or OFF when a girl:
dresses like a grandma:
dresses like a slut:
dresses like a prep:
dresses in all black:
plays musical instrument:
has straight teeth:
wears braces:
has chapped lips:
has green eyes:
has blue eyes:
has brown eyes:
has long hair:
has short hair:
drinks alcohol:
smokes cigarettes:
smokes weed:
wears glasses:
has blonde hair:
has brown hair:
has black hair:
has red hair:
works out:
calls you just to say HI:
smacks your butt:
compliments you:
shaves her legs:
wears jewelry:
has bigger feet than you:
has smaller feet than you:
smiles when you walk into the room:
wants to be a mom:
belly piercing:
Weighs more than you:
Laid back:
Doesnt party a lot:
Laughs a lot:
Believes in love at first sight:
Is religious: