DrunkGermanFun: hye
DrunkGermanFun: hey*
DrunkGermanFun: what's up?
CrazyAboutSpade: wtf do you want?
DrunkGermanFun: .....
DrunkGermanFun: what's wrong?
CrazyAboutSpade: read my journal jerk.
DrunkGermanFun: ...ok
DrunkGermanFun: i'll do that.....
DrunkGermanFun: ok
DrunkGermanFun: wtf
DrunkGermanFun: who the hell called you?
CrazyAboutSpade: Whatever like you don't know.
DrunkGermanFun: ok
DrunkGermanFun: i think it's brad
DrunkGermanFun: that fuckface
DrunkGermanFun: he is in my weight traning class
DrunkGermanFun: and he was like do you have a g/f
DrunkGermanFun: i was like no
DrunkGermanFun: i had noe
DrunkGermanFun: one*
CrazyAboutSpade: HOW DID HE GET MY NUMBE?!?!?"
CrazyAboutSpade: NUMBER*
DrunkGermanFun: what school does she go to
DrunkGermanFun: and i was like... hmm hendrix
DrunkGermanFun: so he was like hey i don't believe you dude
DrunkGermanFun: what's her number
DrunkGermanFun: so i gave it to him
DrunkGermanFun: Sorry
CrazyAboutSpade: NO.
DrunkGermanFun: i don't know wtf he did wiht it
CrazyAboutSpade: NOT buying it.
DrunkGermanFun: ok
DrunkGermanFun: that's the truth
DrunkGermanFun: if you don't buy it
DrunkGermanFun: it's ok
DrunkGermanFun: just don't
CrazyAboutSpade: DONT EVER give my number out.
CrazyAboutSpade: I'm not a slut Christoph, I'm not one of those people who liek to have random guy's call me.
CrazyAboutSpade: and come "chill with thme"
CrazyAboutSpade: Wtf?
CrazyAboutSpade: I tohught you thought better of me Christoph.
DrunkGermanFun: wtf
DrunkGermanFun: i gave it to him at the end of class
CrazyAboutSpade: He called me.
DrunkGermanFun: so he can call you
CrazyAboutSpade: and thought wwe could chill, with you and some of his friends.
DrunkGermanFun: i have never hung out with him
DrunkGermanFun: i am not planning on
DrunkGermanFun: he'
DrunkGermanFun: he a stoner
DrunkGermanFun: dumbass
CrazyAboutSpade: I know.
CrazyAboutSpade: Don't fucking call me a dumbass.
DrunkGermanFun: no
CrazyAboutSpade: You the stupid one who is arrogant, coky, heartless and really ignorant when it comes to cars.
DrunkGermanFun: HE IS A DUMBASS
DrunkGermanFun: not you
CrazyAboutSpade: You like to make people feel bad, you are controlling,and you make peopel you supposedly care abotu cry.
CrazyAboutSpade: THat's why I broke up with you.
CrazyAboutSpade: You've changed SO much.
DrunkGermanFun: ok w/e
CrazyAboutSpade: Seeing you again made me realize that for real.
DrunkGermanFun: if you don't believe me
DrunkGermanFun: then i don't care
DrunkGermanFun: because you are Always thinking you are right
DrunkGermanFun: that's why you don't want to argue
CrazyAboutSpade: No, I know I'm not always right.
CrazyAboutSpade: You're fucking stupid.
DrunkGermanFun: someone might prove you wrong
DrunkGermanFun: and that really pisses me off
CrazyAboutSpade: Trying to change people is reatreded.
CrazyAboutSpade: Not being sensitive towards people's feelings especially your girlfriend makes you heartless.
DrunkGermanFun: ok
CrazyAboutSpade: Making them cry, that's cruel.
DrunkGermanFun: i am not making you cry
CrazyAboutSpade: Bashing down on what they believe in.
CrazyAboutSpade: You did,
CrazyAboutSpade: alot.
CrazyAboutSpade: ALOT.
DrunkGermanFun: it's the fucking brad that makes you cry
CrazyAboutSpade: You would say things that made me cry.
DrunkGermanFun: he doesn't have a life
CrazyAboutSpade: No I don't care about him.
CrazyAboutSpade: I'm talkign abotu you.
DrunkGermanFun: he's like 5'4" tall
CrazyAboutSpade: I KNOW
DrunkGermanFun: he doesn't have an ego
DrunkGermanFun: and now saying that It's all my fault is really nice
CrazyAboutSpade: IT SI
CrazyAboutSpade: IS*
CrazyAboutSpade: You gave him my number.
DrunkGermanFun: ok
DrunkGermanFun: if you give someone my number
DrunkGermanFun: and they do stupid stuff
CrazyAboutSpade: I wouldn't.
DrunkGermanFun: yeah
CrazyAboutSpade: I did before
CrazyAboutSpade: ,
DrunkGermanFun: But If you would...
CrazyAboutSpade: but that waws soemone who wanted to say happy birthday to you.
CrazyAboutSpade: and he did.
DrunkGermanFun: idk what's wrong with you
CrazyAboutSpade: and the fact he didn't want to "chill" with you.
DrunkGermanFun: but letting it all out on me isn't fair. at all
CrazyAboutSpade: WTF/
CrazyAboutSpade: now you are playing victim?
DrunkGermanFun: idk
DrunkGermanFun: I gave the number and didn't even expect him to save it
CrazyAboutSpade: If you knew he was a loser why did you give him ym number?
DrunkGermanFun: / do anything else
CrazyAboutSpade: Becasue you didn't want someone to think your girlfriend ever exsisted?
CrazyAboutSpade: becasue you didn't want someoen to hurt you already too big ego
CrazyAboutSpade: >
CrazyAboutSpade: ?
DrunkGermanFun: appently he doesn't have anything better to do than call random people's ex girlfriends
DrunkGermanFun: ohh
DrunkGermanFun: yeah I have Such a HUGE ego
CrazyAboutSpade: YOu are so full of yourself.
DrunkGermanFun: It's always I AM THE BEST
DrunkGermanFun: OH YEAH
CrazyAboutSpade: You don't care about anyone but yourself inad your pice of crap car.
CrazyAboutSpade: It is.l
DrunkGermanFun: you are soo right
CrazyAboutSpade: you always act like you are superior to everyone.
DrunkGermanFun: YOU ARE COMPLETELY 100% right
DrunkGermanFun: are you happy now?
CrazyAboutSpade: there you go again.
CrazyAboutSpade: Your attitude piss people off.
DrunkGermanFun: no
DrunkGermanFun: YOU are pisssing me off
CrazyAboutSpade: Anyone that thinks you are the colloest person ever really doesn't know you that well.
DrunkGermanFun: ok
DrunkGermanFun: Alex my fucking best friend
CrazyAboutSpade: You like to act like this easy going great friend that would always listen to you.
DrunkGermanFun: he knows me better then anyone i have ever met
CrazyAboutSpade: Good,
DrunkGermanFun: and he doesn't think i am a fuckface like you do
CrazyAboutSpade: he's prbably the only one who knows you.
DrunkGermanFun: yeah
DrunkGermanFun: you don't
DrunkGermanFun: you think you do
CrazyAboutSpade: because you can only have friends who are just like you.
DrunkGermanFun: but you don't
DrunkGermanFun: no
CrazyAboutSpade: know you well enough that you like to hurt people to get your way.
CrazyAboutSpade: adn change people.
DrunkGermanFun: i have friends that are differnt
CrazyAboutSpade: and make them feel like crap and control them.
CrazyAboutSpade: oh really?
DrunkGermanFun: have you ever met rachel dillon
CrazyAboutSpade: Do you go up to someone's face who's father is in Iraq and tell them every soldier who goes to war desreves to die?
CrazyAboutSpade: and that thier beliefs in soemtihng beigger than earth are wrong.
CrazyAboutSpade: ?
DrunkGermanFun: well sorry that's my opinon
DrunkGermanFun: and i think there is a god
CrazyAboutSpade: GOd.
CrazyAboutSpade: Capitolize it.
DrunkGermanFun: ...why?
CrazyAboutSpade: See. you have NO respect for other epoepl's feelings!
CrazyAboutSpade: because god, means there is more than one GOd means only one.
DrunkGermanFun: huh
DrunkGermanFun: god is god
DrunkGermanFun: it's one
DrunkGermanFun: gods
DrunkGermanFun: is more than one
CrazyAboutSpade: God.
DrunkGermanFun: polytheistic believe
DrunkGermanFun: is gods
DrunkGermanFun: monotheistic is One god
DrunkGermanFun: no you don't
CrazyAboutSpade: OMFG?
DrunkGermanFun: ok
DrunkGermanFun: let's calm down
CrazyAboutSpade: do you always think I'm wrong.
CrazyAboutSpade: even when I'm right?
DrunkGermanFun: we are having a fucking argument about why the fuck you capitalise god
DrunkGermanFun: i don't car
DrunkGermanFun: care*
CrazyAboutSpade: wtf ydo you always have to give me soem long ass speech about soemthing I already know.
CrazyAboutSpade: because that's just what you do.
CrazyAboutSpade: God is his name.
CrazyAboutSpade: That's why you capitolize is.
DrunkGermanFun: his?
CrazyAboutSpade: A god.
CrazyAboutSpade: meaning one of them.
CrazyAboutSpade: God, as in one.
DrunkGermanFun: God as in the God
DrunkGermanFun: a god as A god i believe in
CrazyAboutSpade: no.
CrazyAboutSpade: It doesn't matter you wil do it even though ti's wrong.
CrazyAboutSpade: whatever.
DrunkGermanFun: ok
DrunkGermanFun: well
DrunkGermanFun: i am not very happy that you are mad
CrazyAboutSpade: why?
CrazyAboutSpade: I'm like a dream remember?
DrunkGermanFun: but you Obviously aren't changing your opinion
DrunkGermanFun: no
DrunkGermanFun: You aren't
DrunkGermanFun: you are real
DrunkGermanFun: it seems like a dream
DrunkGermanFun: but it is reality
CrazyAboutSpade: And I'm not cute because I have ugly short hair.
DrunkGermanFun: I yes I am not happy that you are mad, because i care about you, but obviously you don't car
CrazyAboutSpade: car?
DrunkGermanFun: Care*
CrazyAboutSpade: You don't care abotu me.
DrunkGermanFun: i Hate typos
CrazyAboutSpade: How can you care aobut anyone.
DrunkGermanFun: ok
CrazyAboutSpade: You ahave no feelings.
DrunkGermanFun: I you know how i feel you must be god
DrunkGermanFun: Hey god
DrunkGermanFun: what's up
CrazyAboutSpade: WTF?
CrazyAboutSpade: You are reatarded.
DrunkGermanFun: ohhhh
DrunkGermanFun: gaga
DrunkGermanFun: mama
DrunkGermanFun: bubub
DrunkGermanFun: I care about you
DrunkGermanFun: w/e you say
DrunkGermanFun: i will still care about you
CrazyAboutSpade: if you did you would treat me with the respect you treat other people with your beliefs.
DrunkGermanFun: oh
DrunkGermanFun: i respect you
DrunkGermanFun: but i don't like your believes
DrunkGermanFun: but i respect them
CrazyAboutSpade: You totally don't.
CrazyAboutSpade: Because if you did, you wouldn't say shit to make me not believe them.
CrazyAboutSpade: Or bash them either.
DrunkGermanFun: well i respect the law
DrunkGermanFun: that doesn't mean i don't break it...
CrazyAboutSpade: oh that was clever.
DrunkGermanFun: are you seeing what i am saying?
DrunkGermanFun: i respect what you say
DrunkGermanFun: and think
DrunkGermanFun: it's just that i have the urge to show you the other side
CrazyAboutSpade: Well it's very sad and pathetic that the only things you can do is argue, talk about politics, make fun of people and talk abotu your car.
DrunkGermanFun: ok
DrunkGermanFun: You make fun of people more then you do
DrunkGermanFun: and yes i talk about my car
DrunkGermanFun: it's my hobby
CrazyAboutSpade: No one cares.
DrunkGermanFun: sorry should i be like a soulless being
CrazyAboutSpade: Especially me.
DrunkGermanFun: ok
DrunkGermanFun: I am sorry
DrunkGermanFun: i care
CrazyAboutSpade: You made me hate cars SOOOOO much.
CrazyAboutSpade: You have no idea how much I cannot stand cars.
DrunkGermanFun: ok
DrunkGermanFun: i am sorry
DrunkGermanFun: i got your interest down
DrunkGermanFun: lately i talk about it less and less
CrazyAboutSpade: no.
CrazyAboutSpade: Not around me.
CrazyAboutSpade: You spent have the time you came over here with my brother and your dumb car.
DrunkGermanFun: around others i guess
CrazyAboutSpade: of course.
DrunkGermanFun: well People get things and people like their things
DrunkGermanFun: so people show others their things
DrunkGermanFun: Girls/ cloth for example
CrazyAboutSpade: oblivious to the fact that they seriously don't care.
DrunkGermanFun: yeah
CrazyAboutSpade: Like ou seem to always be.
CrazyAboutSpade: you*
DrunkGermanFun: :-\
DrunkGermanFun: sorry
DrunkGermanFun: i can't help it
CrazyAboutSpade: Just admit youu hate verything about me
CrazyAboutSpade: From my beliefs down to my hobbies.
CrazyAboutSpade: I don't know why you went out with me honestly.
DrunkGermanFun: no i don't
DrunkGermanFun: That's why i went out with you for 6 month
DrunkGermanFun: it is because i like it
DrunkGermanFun: there are just some things i don't like
CrazyAboutSpade: ALOT. of things.
CrazyAboutSpade: Omg I'm skinny, and I have a semit good face.
CrazyAboutSpade: Nice qualities there.
DrunkGermanFun: you are funny
DrunkGermanFun: really cute
DrunkGermanFun: cool to talk to
CrazyAboutSpade: cool to aruge with?
DrunkGermanFun: meh
DrunkGermanFun: no
DrunkGermanFun is away at 5:45:04 PM.
I never thought I would ever regret goign out with somoene.
Thought wrong.