my new love wanted to come on the trip !! . lol.
new purse and it has my name on it !! lol. its by Kate Spade. haha.
road trip to Orlando
Katie and Ms. Claire from Baker dancing at the welcome thing! .hahah.
at the Hola party!
the Cape and Baker girls!
some weirdo kid at the Hola thing . haha.
we neverrr new where we were going !!
how cute! lol.
shopping!. duhh...
i can ride a wave!! ;o)
ohhh yeahhhh..
upside down building!!. how cooollll !. haha.
fun !!
lol. i was sooo scared to climb up there! .haha.
and no matter what ... we were NEVER on time for class. lol.
oh what fun !! . <333.