Jan 29, 2005 22:25
SHSuperMAN15: i guess, i consider you kinda like a sis
sooo what has everyone been up
to this weekend? not much really here.... went out with [-_luis_-]
friday night and then staurday morning had a basketball game and [-he-]
came to watch me :-) im so glad... we didn't win b/c of the freakin
coach but it was close. im so bored. i should be doing homework
and that project thats due monday, but i don't exactly feel like it
lol. but instead im waiting for my [-baby<3-] to get off of work and
come talk to me! yep... how cool is it that sumone can talk to me b/c
im like sister to them? the absolute coolness... thats how cool. lol
well theres nothing else to talk about so i think ima go for now....
buh bye
[-much <3 to all-]