Jun 22, 2005 18:31
okay. since everyone else is doing it, lets bring livejournal backk. but i decided to make a new username. im startinggg over. hmm well to begin this lets do a surveyyy. =p
Ten years ago (I)...
1. 7 years old
2. went to mt.pleasent elementry
3. was ending 1st grade and had Mrs.Garruba
4. a really happy kid
Five years ago (I)...
1. was 12 years old
2. went to great hollow middle school and was ending 6th grade
3. weighed 81 pounds
4. caitlin briska (best friends at the time) got mad at me + i thought my life was over . haha
One year ago (I)...
1. just had my sweet sixteen
2. started working a giorgios in december
3. so glad 10th grade was over
4. had the same best friends i have now
So far this year (I)...
1. turned 17
2. learned how to drive
3. got really drunk for the first time
4. got a car
Yesterday (I)...
1. took the united states history regents
2. went to work
3. studied for chemistry like crazyy
4. got my favorite italian ice =)
Today (I)...
1. took the chemistry regents
2. went to math extra help with christine
3. didnt actually do any math . haha
4. realized christine and i think alike in math
Tomorrow (I)...
1. have the math regents
2. will be happy cause i have my last test
3. will go to work and use the new computers =)
4. will watch the OC re-runs. (<3 that show)
In one year (I)...
1. will be preparing for senior prom and graduation
2. will be sad im leaving highschool
3. will be excited that im going away for college
4. want to have the best summer of my life be4 i go to college
In five years (I)...
1. will be old enuf to legally drink (22!)
2. will hopefully be graduating college
3. hope i have already fallen in love
4. will be having the time of my life