Sep 06, 2004 15:12
Well this 3 day weekend was quite a relief I must say after getting hopelessly lost on my first 2 day of high school. After 9th period I couldn't find my locker so I left all of my stuff including my backpack and homework in my locker, wonderful way to start off the year. So anyway my weekend was pretty cool Friday was the game Saturday I was supposed to hang out with Alyssa, but that didn't happen so I went to Red Lobster. Sunday I saw Wicker Park, and then Craig came over and we made cookies. And today well I hung out with Craig again, and then went to Jeffs for a bit. So tomorrow its back to reality and getting hopelessly lost once again, and listening to Mr. Jennette for 2 periods in a row. Thank god its every other day. I'm so glad I get to see alyssa 6th tomorrow so we can eat lunch together and not feel like complete assholes. Tomorrow I also get my sweatshirt back from Rob which I'm excited about. I hope its chilly tomorrow.