Nov 07, 2004 22:01
well friday sam and alyssa slept over and we watched hook and the highlight of my night was...
alyssa: god i dont know why im so tired. what did i do last night?
:sits there and thinks for a few minutes:
alyssa: doug!
me and sam: WHAT?!
hah yeah she claims she was thinking in her head and the only thing that came out was 'doug' riight ;] well that morning i got up at friggen 7 to go to some sale at jcpenney and sale it was. i got a wicked lot of clothes for only $200. im proud =]. i also got my clogs!!! sooo happy about that. my mom wants to get a pair too so we can switch and me and sammi already have that deal going on so man im loaded for ae clogs [hopefully hah] but half the clothes i did get, i wont get till xmas gr. well after that i came back and hung around with sam and alyssa and i had the worst stiff neck. ever. and then alyssa left for her championship game which im sure she did an awesome job in. then i fell back to sleep on poor sam haha. but then i got up to shower and she left while i was showering so i didnt give her her stuff >=| then i went to my first indoor game since like 2nd grade? quiteee confusing i must say. but its fun and im sure ill get used to it. hopefully... then today i had church. easy as that. then came here and tried working on my journal and watched the pats who won i think. and we had the best dinner ever. chocolate fondu with all kinds of fuit, and then bk fries =D too bad no one ate over, this would have been the night to lol. well im so tired and done with world civ hw. i get to go to the knotty oak room tm =] me and dave reppin chicken fingers hollaaa!