The knit
grocers' bag that I've been working on got destroyed by some overly enthusiastic kids over the weekend so I bought fabric to cheer myself up. I knew that I wanted to make a bag for class next semester but I was stumped on the pattern, until I came across
this. I love Amy Butler fabrics and since this fabric was kinda giving off that vibe, I figured I'd try it. I wanted the bag asap so waiting for it to be shipped wasn't an option. The measurements and plenty of pictures are on the website so I guessed that I could just wing it. I think the bags are pretty similar other than me skipping her zipper and adding two exterior pockets for my camera and iPod.
I took the bag for a test run to work today to make sure everything was sewed securely. It held up well, but the strap is a little long for lugging heavy objects all day. It really banged against my legs with a couple of sodas in it. I'll shorten it once I start dragging books between classes but for now it's fine.