So I'm pondering the good and bad right now.
Not So Good things:
1.Finish 4 page English paper on "white trash"
2.Write two page Psy. paper.
3. Finish U of L Art thing
4. Finish all of these before Thursday.
5. My boobs hurt really bad, for no real reason I can think of.
Pretty Good Things:
1. The cafeteria now has soy burgers.
2. My
came in (though no date yet, so that might be on the other list)
3. Only having to go to school three days this week.
4. Having a weekend full of stuff to do (even though one is work..but I don't mind)
5. Not having to spend money on a V-day gift like everyone else.
6. Finished reading ShopGirl, by Steve Martin. Fabulous book. Made me think about a lot of things, in a good way.