Dec 24, 2009 02:11
I told john we couldn't be friends anymore. I guess he was hanging out at the mall with brian which is aggrivating because when we had lunch on Monday he was talking shit about him,ha.
whatever. that's the game he plays. he's a pthological liar and a sociopath and I am so far gone from that part of my life. it just reminded me of everythiing before, when he'd just lie to me to my face for no reason.
it was also poor judgement on brians part considering he spent so fracken long hating that kid, but the second he admits to loving the cock that all disintergrates.
I just imagined them kkidding themselves and talking about how I sabotaged some sort of potential friendship or some bullshit like that.
they're both so fake and crazy they almost deserve one another, really.
whatever. I have better things to talk about anyways.
everyone loved their christmas gifts. I was very pleased. also, tomorrow night is going to rule because calvin will be there, and so will a delicious 20lbs turkey. holluh.
I miss mary. a lot. idk why but lately its just been more intense. im hoping we hang out more once my car stops sucking so bad. ugh.
well. I has mall/work tomorrow.
merry christmas eve.