roseate_dreamer 05

Jan 19, 2007 14:01

o1.) Name: Nay

o2.) Age: 19

o3.) Location: Qld, Aus.

o4.) Status: Single

o5.) Sexual Orientation: Gay.

o6.) Where'd you hear about us/who promoted to you?: Found it myself.

o7.) 5+ sentences about you: I always try to look on the bright side. If someone is going through a hard time, I help them focus on the good things about the situation they're in, even if they're outweighed by the bad. I like just about any kind of music, depending on my mood. I'm pretty shy in new situations, but I'm pretty loud and rowdy once I relax (or if you wanna quicken the pace just get out some beer or wine ^^)

o8.) 4+ things you couldn't live without: I couldn't live without music. I've played piano for eight years and it's an ultimate emotional release for me. I adore art in both the visual and written form. I couldn't live without books. There isn't an evening where I won't curl up in bed with a good one to read.

o9.) 3+ favorite movies: Much Ado About Nothing, The Piano, Red Dwarf, shit I can't think of any others...

1o.) 2+ favorite books: Watership Down by Richard Adams, Odd Thomas by Dean Koontz

11.) 1+ reason we should give you a yes: I'm active ^^ and.... yeah.

12.) Show us your favorite article of clothing: I'll get back to you on this one..

13.) Promote in two(2) places and show us the links:
14.) 6+ pictures:


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