my puppy is so cute. he's curled up in the middle of my bed sleeping. he's been asleep since i got home around 12. he's a sound sleeper!
matt came to my job around 5:30 and stayed there with me til i closed up. we talked and all that good stuff then we headed over to the riverwalk, since he had never been. went and hung out at courtyard, ran into some friends. left there and hung out at the river by the zoo. we even had a campfire going! it was fun.. just hanging out and talking. he's a very cool person, we'll definitely have to hang out again sometime! and infact, i think we are sunday.. he's never been to the zoo! so we're going to go. i love the zoo. :)
so my search for a new job has begun. i'm going to start applying at some different restuarants and all.. try to get a job as a waitress. i need to start making some more money.. i hate struggling to pay my bills. plus i'd like to get things stable so i can get ready to go to college and perhaps move out later this year if all goes well. atleast temporarily anyhow. don't get me wrong, i love it here with my parents.. hell it's free, but it's just too cramped and they're wanting to remodel the house which means i'd be out of a room for a while. *shrug*
orangeburg is beginning to sound nice. :) can't really beat $250 a month with my own space in the carport! lol. had to bargain for that one. ;)
speaking of orangeburg, i think i'm going to go hang out with a friend up there i haven't seen in a while tomorrow after work. should be fun. he's quite a character.
postscript: trey, i need to talk to you about something i just found out that may be of some kindof help. something that you should tell your dad. but we'll talk about it later on today. must get my beauty sleep (and lots of it, i'm oogly!).