Nov 18, 2005 08:11
Guess who got to see the new Harry Potter movie a day early~~~! Guess who~~?
It was really good o.o; I was surprised. Very dark but very funny. And Voldie was in it ^^;; And he killed people.
I went with Arielle, so we were being idiot fangirls the entire time X3 They were just asking for it when ferret!Draco went down Goyle's pants.
After that we went to Newberry Comics and spent obscene amounts of money on silly things. I now have a pin that says, "READING IS SEXY."
Except when Zach Allen does it.
He's been annoying me so much >.O He tries to hit on me, but he does it so stupidly. He'll get me coffee during the day, but I need to pay him five bucks. And stupid shit like that.
Not to mention he keeps going on about how he has a "bad feeling" about Chris >.> I don't need you to keep harping on how he'll break up with me, Zach. That's like going up to a paranoid schizophrenic and saying, "Hey, you see those guys in the car over there? Well, they're from the Matrix and they want to eat your babies."
I'm already neurotic. I don't need any assistance.