Nov 08, 2003 23:13
On Friday Sarah and i went for a trip to ACMoore, i just love that store. My mom handed over her debit card so i could get gas and pick up my art supplies. She wasn't very hesitant either, that was weird. So Sarah showed me how to fill up my tank, that was quite interesting. Did you know you don't even have to hang onto the nozzle? There is this cool thing that keeps the trigger down and such. Technology these days, how advanced and lazy we are! Maybe i'm just a sheltered child, oh well.
Everytime i go into ACMoore i feel like i'm in heaven. There is soooo much cool stuff there i just want it all! I told my mom i only needed around $20, she laughed when i said this. All i needed was some nice colored pencils, markers, paper for matting, and a pencil sharpener. Other than those items i came home with some hot paint brushes, tubed water colors, special water color paper, a pallette thingy, water dishes, little flowers for scrap books, a mini glass vase, funky cut scissors, letter stickers, and a glue pen. I had a field day in case you didn't notice. After buying this and having to convience the people at the counter that it was ok i was using my mom's card although it was illegal to do so (they seem to think some kid would steal their mom's card and buy art supplies.... geez) i told my mom how much i spent and she wasn't really mad at all. She thought i was calling and saying i crashed the car. Maybe she wasn't upset because i got a good report card. <3 Presents!