Oct 19, 2005 16:06
So I got all A's on my Progress Report. Which is wicked sweet, liek whoa. .. but even though I am one to brag, I'm not going tooo. ..not that much anyways. because it got me in trouble with friends yesterday. bragging = not very nice.
But school is still dumb. Because now I have an English vocab. quiz on Friday & a Bio. quiz that day too. And I don't understand the Bio. material at all. Which is baaad. So I have to study so so much. ..sometime soon. as in not right now. or maybe even today since I have to write an English paper and do that Bio. worksheet tonight. But I'll make flashcards? maybee. I'm so iresponsible. hmm.
And, and annnd. Thank you bunches, KatieLang. I appreciate the urban decay eyeshadow and the lip gloss. I'm wearing them both right now, and oh how I look sexahhhyy. mhmm.
Today Corinne and I tried to teach Rachael some French. Not so succesful. Also, I want to be on Concert Choir, annnd I'm in 3 group school pictures [I.E. Band, Student Council, Speech & Theatre] .. which is so superawsome! And I wore my hair down today. XOO For part of the day anyways. You should all be proud. ohyes, ohyes you should.
- Gabby