Oct 07, 2005 18:15
I woke up today feeling alot better than I did last night but as soon as I got to college it had started again! So as soon as I got in the building I went to my guidance lecturer and asked to be sent home. I was then checked by the 1st aider who hadn't a clue what was wrong with me as, as she put it she's only trained to put a plaster on, LOL. So they got two nurses to check me as Judy told me I could've had mumps but lucky for me that wasn't the case. After I got checked they phoned for my dad to come get me as they couldn't get me a taxi as I live too far away and they wouldn't let me go on the train as I felt faint. But my dad couldn't come get me so my sister came instead. It took her 45 minutes to get there and I had to sit next to neds in reception while waiting on her, they were so annoying! Anyway I got home roughly around 11am, phoned my dad, mum and Judy to let them know I was ok, then judy waited with me for a while.Then I went to sleep, got up, went to the doctors came back knowing that nothing much was wrong with me and that I was to take anti-histameans (if thats how you spell it, LOL) And thats pretty much it really. So now I guess I'll get my stuff ready for work tomorrow, relax, hope the redness of my face cools down and then I think I'll go to bed.