
Jun 21, 2006 16:50

this is to living every day
this is to smelling the roses
this is to the people who make the coffee
to the people who drink the coffee
this is to everyone who's ever supported anything selflessly,
or selfishly
this is to you, he, she, it, they, him, her, them
after the pain.

this is to not being good enough
or being too much
to realizing that one person who meant the world
isn't the one

this is
to being used
to being led on
to being rejected, refused, and regretted.

this is to crying over one person
this is to being that one person's excuse to cry

this is to miscommunication,
and secrets not kept between friends.

even more,
this is to secrets forever kept between friends.

this is to being second best,
last place.
this is to being the
at what you do the
when you're best
doesn't cut it.

this is to finding the calm before the storm
and salvaging from the wreckage afterwards.

this is to hearts that have been bruised,
but never broken.
this is to hearts that have been broken,
because they had no signal of warning.

this is so to having the strength to hold back the tears.
and the power to let them go.

this is to believing in your friends
more than you can believe in yourself
and to those friends who bring you back up
and show you the beauty of this world

this is to learning from our memories
the painful ones

the ones that make us smile so much we cry.

this is to every sunrise that you've seen,
to every sunset you've shared.
to the smells that make us remember,
that make us hurt,
that make us strong.

this is to finding perfection in the imperfect.
the happy in the sad
the clean and pretty in the dirty and ugly

this is to every inspiration
and every inspirer

to every girl that has ever been obsessed
with a "rock star."
and to know that undying love for a figure if nothing else.

this is to having the courage to
stand up.
and the compassion to
sit down.

this is to every song,
every movie,
every show that has ever gotten a

this is to believing every lie.

to fighting the fear
to breaking under it

this is to giving up;
to the competition that you can't compete with

this is to every boy and girl
who doesn't fit in with any crowd

this is to the crowd.

this is to looking up to your parents,
because they are the only ones to never let you down.

this is to finding someone new
to finding someone better
to rebounds.

this is to fixing what he has broken.

this is to hot leather,
and loud music
to knowing safety with him.

this is to being glad you were hurt,
because you became closer to someone new.

this is to whatever comes to mind.
to speaking in anger.
then crying yourself to sleep.

this is to being your own hero
because you know no other love

to every child who's been abused
and scared into silence:
who said nothing of their shame.

this is to being trapped
to breaking free

this is to hurting one another
just to know you're human
to causing pain
just to know you're alive.

this is to the constant reminder of all you should, but never will, be.

this is to nervous anxiety
and happy butterflies

this is to fuck buddies;
to hearing about them,
to feeling crushed.

this is to hyprocricy:
to dying inside thinking about them loving someone else,
but telling them that you don't care.

this is to settling.
to not having the strength to say no.
to thinking you can do better,
to knowing you can do better,
but never getting the chance.

this is to having faith.
this is to giving it your all

this is to the runner who runs so hard
he throws up
to the girl who hates herself so much
she throws up

this is for the little things.

this is to hearing "you're adopted"
from someone other than your parents

this is to caring too much, too often.

this is to jealousy,

this is to smiling through your teeth
this is to the kid who is always looked down on
this is to the words never spoken that create questions:
what if?

this is to words spoken that create regrets:

this is to christmas morning.
to the night after

this is to love.
this is to hate.

this is to you.
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