God Hates Fagsi did a google image search for i don't even know what and saw this picture of guys protesting homosexuality. one had a sign that said something about god hating fags and had the URL of this website.
so of course, being the tasteless person i am and thinking that it was going to be some sort of joke website, i went to it.
it's not a joke at all.
in fact, it's the homepage for an actual church.
this makes me sick.
as does the fact that when i did another google image search just now to try and find the picture i saw, there was one person holding a sign that read, "hate is a bible value".
hm, i guess that would explain jesus being friends with prostitutes and the tax collectors. riiiight, what was i thinking???
man, and fuck them for thinking it's a sin anyways.
this is why i hate most members of any organized religion. they are all idiots. they are all boxed in by these fucking narrow-minded and flat-out ignorant opinions and try to use their RELIGION to JUSTIFY IT.
i really do hate the human race sometimes.
this is horrible. this is what religion is becoming. justification for passing laws against gay marriage and killing people and dropping bombs. justification for whatever they want to do. somehow they manage to find a verse, any verse, and twist it's wordings and meanings to mean whatever the fuck they want it to.
if you want to hate fags, if you want to nuke iraq, fine. we live in america, make up your own fucking mind. but don't bring up religion as a means to make it okay.
i don't want to get into an argument about this.
or a debate.
honestly, if you agree with anything on that website, i have no desire to talk to you. don't bring up your opposing views to me. i'm sure i hear it enough.