Feb 01, 2005 03:16
Update:: Im not sure who reads this piece of shit but here goes anyway:
New Found Glory was aces, the support band were the most irritating cunts imaginable, they did a pop punk rip off of my generation by adding some wooooah ooah oooooah's, the fight, grace says she wishes she had hiv so she could give it to them.
New found glory came on and made it all better though, the new stuff is bollocks but I caught some old classics, I was standing at the side of the pit watching everyone go mental to new found glory, it was a sight and a half, there was this fat kid there he thought he owned, he was shoutin O DOYLE ROOLZ and bangin into people, he was pickin on some kid so I helped the little guy, then there was this 12 year old girl in her brassiere, i dont even think she needed a bra but I guess it made her feel like a real women, which she most certainly was, aaaaalll women. Some topless guy raped her during hit or miss but everyone laughed, I did too. So yeah I was the oldest guy in the place, It felt shit but kinda good cos I knew if i wanted I could beat everyone up, all at once, punk rock woooah ooah oooah. Afterwards I went to rhino with jorge and pete, pete was sick again.
Saturday I went to the most emmense party ever, I guess I dont go to many parties, they usually suck, I strolled into this one thinking the same.,, boy was I wrong, I bought a bottle of JD and was drinkin the mother fucker out of the bottle with a spliff on the other hand and three heroine needles in my left arm. I talked to a shit loada people, then went down to lennons to see the mystery jets, but they shall remain a mystery because I was stuck in the que all the way through it, I did manage to make some cool friends though, I love it when you make friends in ques, it roolz. So eventually I got in and then I thought aaah fuck it parties better, so I left. And rejoined the party, got talkin to some laydeez, lots of laydeez, I guess I was chatting them up but I didnt realise it, me and graham played swords, I love swords, its so gay but you can get away with it when your drunk as long as you mention Jordans tits.
I was talkin to this safe guy all night, friend of a friends, he was all pilled up and he made me walk about the pentagon at 5 in the morning knocking on any door with the light on asking for drugs, I just stood on the curb though laughing at him, I miss that kid.
I rewound my watch at bout 6 and pretended to everyone that it was 10 oclock at night and the night was still young, noone believed me though, so I sat down, there were some punk rockers there they strolled in in there leathers and nofx tshirts, I started talkin to them, they were well gay, they didnt like minor threat or the cramps and thought the icarus line were emo.. he said there's a fine line between hardcore and emo yeah shup!, theres a fine line between me givin you a knuckle sandwich and me not...giving you a knuckle sandwich.