(no subject)

Oct 04, 2005 00:08

Alright, so, there is a boy and a girl. After awhile of knowing eachother and getting to know eachother he started to like her. Then, he fell in love with her. Little did he know she loved him too. yet, she hid it. Why? because she was afriad of being hurt once again. She never had a realtionship with anyone that she didn't get hurt pretty bad from. So, of course.. she didn't believe this was Love. He finialy gave up and told her he loved her and he asked her out. She turned him down. She had a thing with a few other guys hoping that maybe she could find a way to like someone and have them like her back. Someone that was not Him. Why? because she was afriad of Love. She saw her friends fall into love and then fall right back out. Not realizing that it wans't true. You can not fall out of love. If you do.. well, you were never really IN love. She was afraid of being hurt again. He had had enough. He just had to have her. So, December 3rd, 2004 he drove an hour and a half to her house just to see her. He handed her a ring. Then he asked her out one more time. She couldn't say no. They huged and laughed and smiled and well.. jumped. She knew he was the one for her but, that didn't mean she was ready to take that much in at once. Later that day the went to the mall. He had planned ot take her out to dinner after. When they got there they saw Her's best friend, James and her ex-boyfriend Kurt. While he and james talked she pulled Kurt to the side. She said " You can't hate me for having a boyfriend just because he isn't you! you need to learn that we are done and over with and i'm not going back to you! when we're friends we're so close why can't we keep it that way!?" he pushed her and walked off. She was pissed but she wasn't going to let that ruin her day. James's girlfriend called and said the only way should come down and vist was if she got a ride. so, he said he'd pick her up. Not knowing it was rush hour!!! Since she was in a pissy mood they ended up arguing over stupid stuff. So, she sat to the side looking out the window. He called her name a few times and she wouldn't answer. he glanced at her quickly just like your parents do when they are driving. In that moment they had gone off the road. She saw the refelctor that is supossed to be on the side of the road heading for her face. The car spun. She screamed. He said " I GOT IT I GOT IT@ DON'T WORRY!" The car rolled and he screamed " nope, i don't got it." The roof caved in on her head so she leaned to the center of the car. Just in case the same was happening to him so she pulled him to the center also. Then it rolled again. Finialy it stopped and he looked at her and he said " baby are you alright!?" She didn't respond. She looked in the back seat and said "WHERE'S JAMES?!?!!?!?!?!" A man came to her door and said " your door is crushed get out his side" A women parked her car and ran acrossed the highway to help. James was standing in the road with blood all over his face. He ran to him and said "jim are you alright?" and the women and man said " let me worry about him are you alright?" and he said yes.. he looked at her and they both went hysterical. They dropped to their knees hugging and crying. They just kept repeating " i love you" over and over again. Once the 3 of them got to the hopspital they rushed james off and left him and her on the side of the hallway strapped into strechers. She was still hysterical. She couldn't see a thing except the celling and she needed nothing more but to be with him. He said to her "i'm right here baby don't worry" once the nurse came to help them out they went straight to him and he said " help her frist" so they did. The were unstrapped and ran around trying to find James. Come to find out he lost consciousness during a cat scan. About a half an hour to an hour They saw him. He was okay but wouldn't stop asking how he looked. After that night they knew that nothing could keep them apart. 2 days later they went to see the car. The man working at the junk yard thought she was dead after seeing her side of the car. He said he worked there for 30 years and no one could possibly live after that. He also thought He had a brain injury. All he had was cuts. She had nothing but cuts and a sprained wrist. They came out lucky. After that when she went back to school she got made fun of. She was used to it but this time they said horrible things like " HAHA YOU ROLLED OVER IN A CAR ACCIDENT!" Then, she had no one to turn to but him. All of her friends turned against her.. even james. They all told her to kill herself because it'd make the world a happier place. Slowly her friends started comming back to her. Everything was okay again. She spent the summer at his house. She had her own bedroom and it was like it was her home. His mom kept saying she was like a daughter. Then, her mother started calling him her son-in-law. Later they sat down with her mother and ended up picking out names for their children. Lexi Lynn and Robert Micheal. Robert micheal because her gradfather who she was extremely close to was Micheal Robert but everyone called him bobby and because her brother that passed away when she was 3 was Robert. Not only did they know they were in love. But their parents knew it too. Which by the way it isn't easy for her mom to even LIKE her boyfriends. This boy changed her life. If it wasn't for him she'd be dead by now and if it wasn't for her he might have been too. They were in love, still are and always will be. That boy is her world.

That girl.. well, that girl is me.. and that boy... is her life.
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