Oh my freaking god... > < PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) is now calling fish 'sea kittens', saying, 'nobody wants to eat a sea kitten'.
If you don't know, PETA is an animal rights activist group that educates the public about cruel acts being performed against animals, such as the treatment of animals on fur farms or the conditions animals live in on corporate farms. They believe that owning pets is cruel and that the animal would be better off dead than enslaved to a human, a belief they put into practice when they 'adopt' pets from owners, promise to find them good homes, then kill them. They threaten to snipe wildlife workers from trees as the workers kill thousands of highly problematic fish so that the lake the fish live in can become healthy again. These people believe that an ant's life is equal to that of a human's. They financially support ALF (Animal Liberation Front), a domestic terrorist group who hates animal testing so much that they blow up researchers cars, post the names of scientist's children and their schools and addresses on the internet and ruin research companies by terrorizing their financial sponsors. Check out:
www.petakillsanimals.com if you want to know more.