Jan 07, 2006 12:13
Slept in your bed: all me baby
Saw you cry: my grammy
Made you cry: hmm, i don't know... my uncles death?
Went to the movies with: my baby sister kelsey
You went to the mall with: kelly fo, i work there so im always there
You went to dinner with: grandparents.
You talked on the phone: ryan ♥
Said "I love you": ryan ♥
Made you laugh: ryan ♥
Bought you something: pappy, he bought me chocolate.
Pierce your nose or tongue? please, neither.
Be serious or be funny? FUNNY OF COURSE.
Die in a fire or drown? dying isnt an option for me right now.
Gay? heck no.
Hardcore? haha please.
Flowers or angels? angels
Gray or black? gray
Color or black? color
Lust or love? LOVE ♥
Sunrise of sunset? sunset!!
M&Ms or Skittles? M&Ms.
Rap or rock? more of a rap fan, but country is really my thing.
Staying up late or waking up early? staying up late!!
Being hot or cold? being hot.
Sun or moon? the sun
Winter or Fall? WINTER!!!
Sun or rain? both.
Vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream? boo for icecream-- but chocolate i guess.
Boys or girls? boys
Do you like anyone? YES, like shouldn't be the question.
Do they know it? HE BETTER.
Where do you want to live? either in florida or on a lake.
What kind of job do you want? journalist, own my own daycare, or work in the nursery at a hospital.
Do you want to get married? OH OF COURSE, EVERY GIRLS DREAM.
Nervous Habits? bite my nails.
Are you double jointed? yes, in my fingers.
Can you roll your tongue? does this mean like rolling your r's? cause if so- yes.
Can you raise one eyebrow? i think so, i will have to try it.
Can you cross your eyes? duh.
Do you make your bed daily? HAHAHHAA NO WAY; GRAMMY DOES.
Which shoe goes on first? my right shoe.
Ever thrown one at someone? hahah yes, and kicked someone with one.
On the average, how much money do you carry in your wallet? whatever i get for my paycheck.
What jewelry do you wear? earrings ALWAYS; my cross sometimes; and my ring from ryan; oh and my class ring.
Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? uhm, twirl.
Have you ever eaten Spam? GROSS.
Favorite ice cream? i HATE icecream.
How many kinds cereal are in your cabinet? 6 i think.
What's your favorite beverage? hum, SPRITE OR MOUNTAIN DEW.
What's your favorite restaurant? northpark clubhouse; or olive garden.
Do you cook? haha, if it comes in a can or a box? sometimes.
How often do you brush your teeth? like twice a day.
How is your hair for the most part? curly in the morning, than i straighten it usually.
Have you ever dyed/highlighted your hair? uh huh all the time.
Do you swear? HAHA uhm, usually.
Do you ever spit? ew, ok... girls shouldnt really spit unless needed.
Do you cook your own food? no, grammy cooks or we order out.
Do you do your own chores? i don't have any whatsoever.
Did you get paid today? the other day but i just got my check cashed!!
Do you like beef jerky? OH MY GOSH, i LOVE LOVE LOVE it.
Do you prefer pepsi or coke? pepsi all the way.
Do you plan on going to college? community.
Are you happy with your hair? not really, i want it to grow out i think.
Do you own a dog? nope , i wish i owned a little doggy.
Do you spend your money wisely? no way... i have a problem with shopping.
Are you always making new friends? yeah all the time.
Have you ever got so bored you called a friend? yupppp
In the last month have you...
Had a bf/gf? since summer ♥
Sang? haha yesss
Felt stupid? all the time
Missed? RYAN RYAN RYAN; my daddy; and anyone who i havent seen,
Gotten high? please, im not into that.
Gotten your hair cut? nah, i need one though.
Watched cartoons? nope, i dont like cartoons.
Wished you were the opposite sex? haha, yes so i wouldnt have my period.
Snuck out of your house? noppeeee.
Gave money to a homeless person? yeah! downtown to a one legged homeless man, it was sad.