Aug 12, 2005 22:21
I am smelly.
I saw Shelby for the first time ever today!
Holy crap~
She looks way different from what I expected.
Downtown with the gang.
Kristen included. =o!!!
This strange guy (who seemed okay at first) hung out with us for like two hours.
He jumped off the fort into the inlet.
As did Alex and Erik.
Those dumbasses.
Two seconds later a ranger guy walked over and Kristen and I ran away.
Walked to the Village Inn and had pancakes.
Met up with Nick, Justin and the Twins.
All of them except Zak ditched us.
Of all people.
He was being all friendly with Kristen too.
I had no idea what was going on.
Of all time to start
My period gushed out.
No tampons or nothing.
Thank god I don't have a heavy flow.
At about eight thirty, Joe/Bret/Brandon what ever the heck his name was (and he looked like Tommy's twin) left.
That free-loader.
Didn't even pay for dinner.
I had to take such a bad crap right then too.
Found Nick and them.
Pfft. Only was able to hang out with them for like an hour.
That was pretty annoying. :/
Eff them.
Had fun in the end though.
Bridgett freaked out on us.
Then bought us drinks.
My throat hurts from yelling.