Your full name:: KiLeE mEsHeLL pEaRsOn
Height:: fOuR eLeVeN bEotCh =P
Natural hair colour:: LiTe BrOwN
Eye colour:: bRoWnIsH gReEn i SupPoSe
Number of siblings:: uNfOrTuNaTeLy tWo
Glasses/contacts?:: nAtTa
Piercings:: EiiGhT
Tattoos:: nAhH
Braces?:: nOpE
colour:: PiNk
Band?/singer:: NoNe
Song:: mMm..SoMe CuT
Stuffed animal:: A dOg
Video game:: hAHa.. No
TV show:: RoSeAnNe [[ LmAo MeGaN ]]
Movie:: SwEeT hOmE aLaBaMa
Book:: NeVeR rEaD
Food:: PiCkLeS
Game on a cell phone:: sPaCe ThIngY -- gAmE
CD cover:: uMm YeH wTf KiNdA qUeStIoN iSz` tHaT sErIoUsLy?!
Flower:: RoSeS
Scent:: DoNaLd<3
Animal:: daWg
Comic book:: wOw-- LeTs NoT bE gAy
Cereal:: FrOsTeD fLaKeS eN cOcOa PeBbLeSz
Website:: W w W dOt eL jAy dOt CoM
Cartoon:: rOcKeT pOwEr En FaIrLy OdD pArEnTs
play an instrument?:: YeH cOs iM tOo CoOL lIkE tHaT
Watch TV more than 60 hours a week?:: hOpE nOt TheN iM oFfIcAllY a FuCkeN loSa
Like to sing?:: YeS -- bUt I sUck
Have a job?:: nAh
Have a cell phone?:: yEp (( pEiCe Of ShIz ))
Like to play sports?:: lOl -- No
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?:: bOyFrIeNd
Have a crush on someone?:: uHh-- YeH
Live somewhere NOT in the united states?:: ii WiSh
Have more than 5 TVs in your house?:: nOpE
Have any special talents:: ii CaN lIcK my ChIn iF tHaT cOuNtS
Excercise daily?:: nO -- i NeEd To
Like school?:: nO.. WhO tHe HeLL dOeS?!
Sing the alphabet backwards?:: nOpE hAhA
Stand on your tip toes without wearing shoes?:: uSe To cOuLdA
Speak any other languages?:: nOpE
Go a day without food?:: yEs
Stay up for more than 24 hours?:: oH mE eN cOnNeLLy sO puLLeD a BiG tHiRtY sIx hAhA ;D
Read music, not just tabs?:: i gUeSs
Roll your tongue?:: YeH wHeN i gEt ReAlLy bOrEd
Eat a whole pizza?:: NeVeR eAtEn mOrE tHeN fOuR pEiCeS iNa DaY sO gUeSs No
Have u ever
Snuck out of the house?:: wOw -- Me? i ThInK nOt
Cried to get out of trouble?:: yEsH
Gotten lost in your city?:: nO
Seen a shooting star?:: YeP wIfF cOnNeLLy fOr ThA fIrSt tImE eN oNly =\
Been to any other countries besides the united states: NoPe
Had a serious surgery?:: yEs -- i GoT mY tOnSiLs OuT eN aCtUaLLy LiVeD.. YaY ! *
Stolen something important to someone else?:: nO
Solved a rubiks cube?:: i CaNt EvEn dO wOrD sEaRcHeS [ Ha DoNaLd ]mUcH LeSs ThAt
Gone out in public in your pajamas?:: YeHp
cried over a girl?:: mHm.. MaYbE
cried over a boy?:: yEs
Kissed a random stranger?:: dOnT tHiNk So
Hugged a random stranger?:: HaHa YeS
Been in a fist fight?:: MeGaN..
Been arrested?:: NaHh
Done drugs?:: NoPe.. iMa GoOd GuRl
Had alcohol?:: NaH -- LiKe i SaId.. iMa GoOd gUrL
Laughed and had milk come out of your nose?:: i HaTe MiLk =X
Pushed all the buttons on an elevator?:: i DoNt RiDe eLeVaToRsZ
Gone to school only to find you had the day off because of a holiday/etc?:: wTf iS tHAT?
Swore at your parents?:: YeHp
Been to warped tour?:: i WiSh
Kicked a guy where it hurts?:: YeP -- jOnAtHaN
Been in love?:: nOt SuRe
Been close to love?:: aLmOsT tHeRe
Been to a casino?:: naH
Ran over an animal and killed it?:: nAh
Broken a bone?:: My NoSe (( iF tHaT DeSk HaD nEvEr Eff`N bEeN tHeRe DaMnIt ))
Gotten stitches?:: nOpE
Had a waterballoon fight in winter?:: YeS
Drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour?:: MiLkS fUcKeN gRoSs
Made homemade muffins?:: i DoNo
Bitten someone?:: DoNaLd =) hEhE i sOwWiE bAby
Been to disneyland/disneyworld?:: yEp My MOM bRoKe HeR fOoT rItE wHeN We GoT tHeRe
More than 5 times?:: nOpE
Been to niagra falls?:: nAh
Burped in someones face?:: dAmN yOo dOnaLd
Gotten the chicken pox?:: FrOm tHe SHoUlDeRs Up lOl
Brushed your teeth:: tHiS mOrNeN
Went to the bathroom:: nOt sUre?
Saw a movie in theaters:: LoNg Time AgO
Read a book:: HaHa pLeAsE
Had a snow day:: yEp
Had a party:: yEs --ViCk wOw.. iTs A RoCkEt? pEnIs On tHe Cow.. YeH THaNks TyLer
Had a slumber party:: YeP
Made fun of someone:: My SiStEr
Tripped in front of someone:: wOw.. pReTtY mUcH JuS aRouNd DoNaLd
Went to the grocery store:: YeS
Got sick:: gEtTeN tHeRe -- tHaNkS tO mEgAnS aSs
Cursed:: eArLiEr WhEn I wEnt To bLoW a BubBlE wIFf My gUm AnD iT fLeW oUt My MoUtH =\
Fruit/vegetables:: fRuIt
Black/white:: wHiTe
Lights on/lights off:: On
TV/movie:: MoViE
Car/truck:: cAr
Body spray/lotion:: bOfF
Cash/check:: cAsH mY NiGgA
Pillows/blankets:: bLaNkEtS
Headache/stomach ache:: HeAdAcHe
Paint/charcoal:: mHm.. PaInT?
Chinese food/mexican food:: cHiNeSe =D!
Summer/winter:: WiNtA bAbY ! *
Snow/rain:: sNoW
Fog/misty:: NeItHeR mAkEs Me HaVe A baD hAiR dAy wHiCh = UnHaPPy KiLeY
Rock/rap:: rOcK
Meat/veggies:: MeAt -- YeH iMa FaT aSs ThaS rItE
Boy/girl:: bOy tEhE
Chocolate/vanilla: VaNiLLa
Sprinkles/icing:: iCiNq
Cake/pie:: cAkE .. PiE sUcKs
French toast/french fries:: FrEnCh FrIeS
Strawberries/blueberries:: sTrAwBeRRiEs
Ocean/swimming pool:: sWiMMiNg PoOl
Hugs/kisses:: bOfF <3 ! *
Cookies/muffins:: cOoKiEs
p33n/bewbz:: wAt ThE hELL dOeS tHaT mEaN?
Wallet/pocket:: pOcKeT
Window/door:: WiNdOw
Emo/goth:: eMo
Pink/purple:: PiNk, eek =)
Cat/dog:: DaWg.. aLL cAtS sUcK sPeCiAlLy PaGeS bEaStLy cAt!
Long sleeve/short sleeve:: LoNg sLeEvE
Pants/shorts:: sHoRtS
Winter break/spring break:: bOfF -- No ScHoOl En iM nEVeR hOmE
Spring/autumn:: aUtUmN
Clouds/clear sky:: cLeAr
Moon/mars:: MoOn ?
How many friends do you have?:: a LoT
What are their names?:: wE`d Be HeRe AlL dAy
Do you have a best friend?:: yEp
Have you ever liked one of your friends?:: YeS --NeVeR gOoD
Do you have more guy friends or more girl friends?:: gUySz
Have you ever lost a friend?:: YeH
Have you ever gone to an amusement park with a friend without a parent driving?:: dOnT kNow
Whats an inside joke between you and a friend?:: gUtTeR mOuTh-- RyAn En HeAtHeR
Have you ever gotten in a big arguement with a friend?:: yEp
Whats the nicest thing youve ever done for a friend?:: tOnS bUt prOlLy tHe MoSt FeR mEgAn
Whats the nicest thing a friend has ever done for you?:: LiEd At tHe BeAcH [[HaHa MeGaN cOuGh cOuGh ]]
Do you miss any of your old friends?:: tHeA =\
What friend have you known the longest?:: sTeVeN eN hEaTheR
Do you regret anything youve done to a friend?:: yEs
If so, what is it?:: LiEd
How often do you spend time with your friends?:: nOt eNuFf
Do any of your friends drive?:: YeHs
Has a friend of yours ever died?:: rYaN =\
Whats the dumbest thing youve done wit a friend?:: bAkEd OuT HeR fReAkEn cLoSeT eN hEr MoM fOuNd OuT hAhA MeG
What do you think your friends think of you?:: HoPeFuLLy gOoD tHiNg
Have you ever been in love?:: CaNt SaY i HaVe
If you have, with who?:: NoNe
Are you single?:: nAh
Are you in a relationship?:: yEp
If so, for how long?:: a MoNtH iN LiKe tHrEe DaYs =D
Do you believe there is someone for everyone?:: yEs ! *
What is your idea of the best date?:: jUs bEiN aRoUnD hIm
What was your first kiss like?:: mHmM.. i DoNo -- i gUeSs gOod
How old were you when you got your first kiss?:: eLeVeN i ThInk
Whats the best experiance youve ever had with the opposite sex?:: ...
If you are single, have you had any boyfriends/girlfriends before?:: yEs
Have you ever been dumped?:: yEp
Have you ever dumped someone?:: yEp
Whats the most sexual thing youve done with the opposite sex?:: ....
Slippers:: tOeSz
hard:: DiCk
Free:: tAkE iT sHiT
Space:: sTaRs
Red:: rOsEs
Deep:: wAtEr
Heart:: HaPPy +D
Cord:: sOmEtHiNg i MoSt LiKeLy tRiP oVeR
Cheese:: nAsTy
Rain:: bAd HaIr DaY
Work:: TiReD
Pedal:: cAr
Head:: PeNiS
Bed:: sLeEp
Fluff:: a CaT?
Hardcore:: rOck
Race:: cArSz
Knife:: BaD iDeA
Jump:: TrAmPoLeAn
I.... am:: WiShEn I WaS WiTh DoNaLd
want:: tO bE wItH dOnAlD
need:: tO bE wItH dOnALD
crave:: a PiCkLe
love:: dOnAlD <3 ! *
hate:: sTePhAnIe
feel:: TiReD
miss:: dOnAlD
am annoyed by:: mY pArEnTs
you would rather:: bE nE wHeRe BuT HeRe
am tired of:: cRyEn
will always:: bE sHoRt --WOW THIS SUCKS!!
What is your favourite genre of music?:: rAp En cOuNtRy
What time is it now?:: SeVeN TwEnTy EiGhT
What day is it?:: wEdNeSdAy
Whens the last time you called someone?:: nOt SuRe.
How much money do you have right now?:: LiKe FiVe BuCkS wOoHoO
Are you hungry?:: nOpE
Whatcha doin?:: AnSwEreN tHeSe qUeStIoN eN tElLiN dOnaLd BoUt My dReAm
Do you like parades?:: nO-- tHe HoLd Up TrAfFiC mAn
Do you like the moon?:: wHeN itS oRaNgE aNd bIg
What are you going to do when youre done with this?:: eAt a PiCkLe En tAkE a ShOwEr TheN tAlK tO dOnaLd TiL i FaLL aSlEeP [ tHe UsUaL ]
If you could have any magical power what would it be:: mAke EvErYoNe HaPPy.
What about sock em boppers?:: wOw wtf?
u wearing any socks right now?:: YeS tHeRe PiNk En bLaCk yEh bE jEaLoUs MY sOx ArE hOt
funny?:: eVeRyOnE sAyS i Am
pretty?:: No
sarcastic?:: iMa MaSSiVe SmArT aSs ThIs I KnOw
lazy?:: sOmEtImEs
hyper?:: gOd yEs
friendly?:: iF i LiKe YoO
evil?:: dOnT tHiNk sO
smart?:: HaHa tHaT cHaPs MY aSs
strong?:: nO
talented?:: NaH
dorky?:: YeS