Nov 23, 2004 20:17
believe it or not, i didnt die :D
i went to the hospital around 9 and they started gettin me ready for surgery at 10.
they gave me some vercet er something in my iv and after that it was all to weird.i couldnt feel my body and my madre said my i started singin the national anthem and what knot. haha- i want to see donald :\ i woke up to my sister holding my hand my my mom kissing my forehead. i was in a super bad mood cos the Anastasia- yeh i was bein a pretty big biatch. soon enuff it was time to go so this women took me to my sisters car ina wheel chair, she was hallin ass and i was cold as crap. i was cold the WHOLE time - they had to give me like 6 hot blankets everytime i shivered. all and all it went pretty good, i dont sound to much like a beastly man- i can eat soft stuff and im not that sick ne more. my mom left my cell fone at the hospital so if u try to call- I CANT ANSWER >:O but im gonna go cos im super tired and i think donald is gonna call me back. ill update later on. bye bye