Jan 27, 2005 01:22
Ok omg today was some crazy stuff we got out of school late and tiffy and jackie and come and i gave them a muscle relaxer.... they were trippin balls man i <3 jackie so much she brought me my Aderal and i took 7 of them but i gave one to tiff but i am so happy and i was like why not man shes so kewl and i love her so much I am so happy right now like you have no idea and like idk man i just cant discrib it its like ummmmmmm yeah well idk man shits crazy its making me all happy and shit i was so depressed and now im not i wonder what they put in it but damn this shit is fun lol. Me and tiffy had the longest most random convo today it was like at 3:50 to like 9:25 i think we talked so much because we were trippin balls and yeah lol. I got my hair done AGAIN today its so kewl and i love it lol I LOVE EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING! EVERY PERSON I SEE IM GOING TO HUG LOL ....I cant sleep the meds wont let me lol you know what i feel like Pillzy from Foamy i mean all i do is pop pills lol You know something good aderal makes your stomache smaller so ill loser wait but the bad thing is its not losing weight in the right way.... well it kinda is if i eat when im on it i have eaten all day today and i really dont care but the aderal did make me feel funny i got a SUPER SUPER big headache and like i felt sick so i got up and walked to the batheroom as soon as i got in there i was fine and i felt ok it was so weird lol man i love everyone but theres one person i dont like and she should know she was shes a fake and ummm i would like if would stop talking about my good friends because there kewl and ummmm your not and Tiffy i love you much and Jackie i <3 you man what would i do without your pretty face (: