hmm, pictures from last night!
And yea, goon showed up, i was very surprised.
we all had fun :]
earlier, at chantel's, when we were waiting for chris and heather.
chantel, sean.
chris, me.
its a dork!
at the pier, on mainstreet, next to ruby's.
kissing a girl? noo...its chris.
chris is sewing :]
heather &moose.
i'm a beautiful flower, in the sunshine!
heather eats!
yeah she is takin a piss in the sink...all you fuckers out there..she gets like omfg 10 punk points!!1!1
there's more...but chris made me promise not to post them anywhere...they are just for me :]
oh im happy.
rubberball tonightttt.
i hope i can go ^_^