(no subject)

Sep 15, 2005 09:32

Lets Get to Know You:

Name:Morgan (mc)
Status:Im in love. ♥


Bands (5+):
.01 Anberlin
.02 Emery
.03 Armsbendback
.04 Jamison Parker
.05 Adair
Movies (3+):
.01 Rocky Horror Picture Show
.02 Toy Story 1 & 2
.03 Red Eye
TV shows: (3+)
.01 Laguna Beach
.02 Starved
.03 It`s always sunny in philidalphia(sp)
.01 Chinese
.02 Mexican
.03 Italian food
.01 Papaya
.02 Aeropostale
.03 Charlotte Russe
.04 5-7-9


War in Iraq:I don`t agree with it. I think that there are better ways of solving the war. Like they can have an agreement or trade. I don`t know but i know there is deffinetly always a better way to solve things other then fighting.
Gay Rights: I believe people should be able to marry who ever they want. I mean if "gays" can`t get married then "straights" shouldnt be aloud to get married either.
Religion: I used to not believe in religions & the whole God thing. But recenly in July i started to believe because of conversations i had with My boyfriend & some of his family. I think people should believe in god. & They should deffinently take the whole "revalation" thing very seriously.

How did you find out about us?: From another communtiy`s info.
What do you think of the mods?:
Beckyhardxcorekid Deffinently beautiful.
Jana _____________tv She is love. ♥
PROMOTE & show links:

.01 http://www.livejournal.com/users/glam0ur______/1389.html?view=1645#t1645
.02 http://www.livejournal.com/users/sad_goodbyesx/14043.html?view=8667#t8667
.03 http://www.livejournal.com/users/paperheart_x3o/927.html
Pictures: (3+)


-Im on the Left.

- Im on the left. Again. ♥

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