areee adventuree! :))

Jan 09, 2005 15:26

well last night i slept at leeanns with angg and we thought it would be a cool idea to sneak outtta leeanns house late at night to go overr chris'ss

so angg gets to leeanns and we go up to leeanns room to start planning and we had everything work out perfect! so leeann had this emergency escape ladder for when theirs a fire in your house.. but we used it to climb down her twoo storyy house.. we are suchh fools

well we get down from the ladder which it took us like a billionnn years b/c we were such pussys.. then we start to walk over to chris's which it took forever b/c he lives like a mile away! or close to a mile hah..

and me and leeann brought are camerass withh uss so of course we took pictures haha..

well we got home succesfully .. and leeanns mom didnt know at all.. she was sleeping on the coach when we got back. so we were really proud of are selfs that it worked out :) haha

that was the ladder that we climbed down :o

angg going down the ladder

angg again.. sorry its soo small

me goingg down the ladder

me and angg once we got down the ladder

leeann acting likee i retartt


anggss foot :)) i love that foot of herss ;)

angg running??

the anna mea burdi

anggg and chrisssss

thiss one is soo pimpsterr i tookk a picture of timmyss street signn

and i took a sweeet picturee of leeann sitting on the toliet at chris's house but somehow it got deletedd :((

well commenttt freakks :) <3
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