Things haev been wonderful and I couldn't be happier.
Ah so. Last week was filled with a whole bunch of nothing. Saturday I went to Wills dads house. It was nice. I love to spend my time with that boy.
So how is everyone?
Talk to me. I miss you.
Cumberland Fest is soon though I hope to see everyone there.
Thats when you know summer is almost over.
Saturday I'm going to New Hampshire for a family event and my BOY is coming :D!
7 Months this Wednesday !!!! ♥ :D
aklsdjfklj!!!!! its great its great its great.
I like my hair I'm not gonna lie. :)
I'm going to the beach tomorrow with Will. I'm excited. This summer has been spectacular.
GOSH I DROVE TODAY. Drove the Durango. Sucked pretty bad. I can't have my mom in the car with me. She makes me nervous.
I'm Taking drivers ed August 15-19 with my love Megan Pace.
My parents are getting me a car for my 16th birthday asldkfl;skf!!!!! :D i want a Cobalt Coupe but yeah thats not gonna happen. Maybe it will but I doubt it.
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm :)
Lets all pray i get that :D