She had HUGE knockers..

Oct 12, 2005 16:49

Work is for some reason really fun and exciting.. I don't know if it was the mexicans singing and rapping.. but for some reason I'm having a fun time with my full time JOB

As for me and Ashley we hit the two month and some change marker and things are going great 3/4's of the time.. this is due to the fact that I am an ass and she knows it but won't admit it.. so I do

Even with this full time job and getting "responsibility" I get to see most of my friends more than I use to.. I've seen sean_choas, Weezly, Jon Boggs, and fucking PAT alot latly and it makes me happy.. Who.. ?!?!?! MIKE JONES

I plan on going to new places.. not like another state or other countries.. just not DOWNTOWN.. I would put a list of places but then you all will steal them from me and go on dates with your girlfriends and they will think you are the cute one, but realy they are my ideas..

So once I get my car, Ashley and I will be visting these places and you will hear how amazing they are and then you may COPY me

Ashley Fuld got a job at Tia's in the mall.. please congratulate her cause she is that damn cool.. she is now a "working woman"

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