nostalgia takes hold

May 30, 2006 18:49

I've been inspired by Eliza, and I don't want to study for my precalc final, which is in two days, so here, my friends, is junior year the way I experienced it:

junior year was...
discovering a fondness for taurine & espresso,
spending nearly every free period in Weiler Hall -- to the extent where people would claim I had disappeared for weeks at a time,
the realization that going to a concert on a school night is okay,
Bohemian Rhapsody in Becca's car,
sushi at Ami,
me and Kendall mocking the world,
captaining the Burrow,
becoming friends with an inordinate amount of sophomores,
growing hatred for and eventual avoidance of Munger,
too many history quizzes to count,
DFo's rants,
vodka&cranberry juice,
a drama-filled semiformal,
escalating Chronorama,
Sieffs & Sophs: the most platonic marriage there ever was,
philosophy from Pevans,
sleepless nights,
bonfires at Alex's, 
Sprinkles cupcakes,
driving everywhere by surface streets and getting mocked for it constantly,
Rose Bowl excursions,
the spring break food club,
the Bel Canto 2006 DON'T STOP BELIEVING tour with a guest appearance by Tyler Sterling: latex inflation and manipulation engineer,
a Chi-town excursion complete with nearly being thrown into the river, ghetto hands and the Art Institute,
Becca and Adam jokes,
encounters with sleazy Beverly kids,
"I only smoke when I'm really drunk,"
joining the gym and NEVER going...but talking about it a lot,
the winter evening tradition of Il Trem and home basketball games,
discovering the therapeutic value of driving alone on Mulholland,
learning to appreciate Kathy,
crazy nights on the roof,
Mme's trendy wardrobe,
everyone sleeping at my house thanks to my parents' never noticing the stench of alcohol on everyone's breath,
living in fear of the driving curfew,
learning that there is a Los Angeles curfew,
incessant college talk,
finding new friends and discovering some good old ones,
the realization that we can do this. and it's almost over. one more year.
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