(no subject)

May 07, 2006 10:21

I opened a dictionary, just now, from 1936. The one that I first read through, the one where I highlighted my favorite words. I wanted to find a word to, maybe to be a flashlight.

I first got envelopment:
The act of wrapping up; that which wraps up; the surrounding of large bodies to prevent them from extending in any forawrd direction.

I laughed, I hated it.
I tried again.

And got problem:
a question proposed for solution or decision; any point involving doubt or difficulty; puzzle, dispute, uncertainty.

Then my eyes watered. So I wanted another, on the left pages, versus the right one.

I fucking got intuition:
The quality or power of the mind which enable one to perceive the truth of anything without reasoning.

So, of course,now I am crying,
and unsure why my head is
throbbing. So

A word highlighted,
and idea loved.

An organ in ehich young of mammals grow before birth.

I just want one more, on the left page, to seal it, to have that envelopment.
I cringed.

The condition and quality of being pure; freedom from any admixture or pollution; spotlessness
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