Knowing people have moved on is a great thing...and it makes me not feel so bad anymore.

Jan 22, 2005 00:14

Bored If I had to choose one word to describe my life everyday that would be it. I just spent like a half an hour cleaning out my bedside cabinet, after watching 10 hours of I Love the 90's: Part Deux. Now my brain is just numb with boredom.

We move next weekend. Scary. Sad. But normal and mundane in the worst way[I am sure I will pass out address and phone number cards if I am feeling up to it. But don't count on it.] Our place is small and located in a little townhouse community off of Butterfield Road. Yes, how far it is. That means what miniscule social life I had will be further diminished into nothingness because I am so far from everyone. And since I no longer have a car, no one will want to come out of their way to pick my sorry ass up, which given where I live now to where I am going to live, I wouldn't want to either. So for future reference, no hard feelings.

I am getting nervous. Spring break is coming up rapidly and I still have but 20 dollars saved up for NYC. Gven our current financial situation, it looks as though I will be getting no money for NYC. EEP! I plan on getting a job in the coming weeks, but I am just nervous that I won't have enough money saved up for while I am in NYC in addition to the money I have to use for preparations for NYC, which include buying new clothes and buying a Pocket DJ. Unless I get that for my birthday, which I pray I do but probably won't. So. Consider me stressed...over money and material shallow! HAH!
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