images // screencaps
Gilmore Girls:
Quintessence/Opposites Are Polar - no longer exists
Striped WallThe Office:
on livejournal:
inconceivable_mVeronica Mars:
on livejournal:
Kristen Bell :: OnlineLogan & Veronica OnlineOTHER:
GettyImages -- stock images
sanami276 photoshop brushes
on livejournal:
awmpingenu0usjeweledicecream gimp brushes
Okay, here's the deal. Starting June 2008, I got a mac. I no longer have photoshop, and am using Gimp to make icons. Because I didn't think I was going to be able to figure it out, I just downloaded shit like CRAZY, and didn't keep track of it. This mostly happened with textures. I apologize for being a dumb blonde. Here is the list of credits that I remember:
on livejournal
david-lucenascully7491pfefferminzchendarcianaacme_graphicsweapon_iconsewanismicon-maidenangelfish_iconslatexandleatherpetticoatrowpfefferminzchen on deviantART
sarah-dipityladyoriongetfirefoxhawksmontsparklingteachaoticfae redheadstock Axeraider70 Lady-Luck13invisiblesnowsanami276thasproutr4rwr-its-chris <
*If you believe I am using anything of yours, let me know and I will add you to my credits, or if you wish, remove whatever graphic is in question!
** I'm still working on getting all the links together for this, my computer crashed recently and I lost all my saved "favorites" links, so most of the places I get screencaps from, I can't find again. I am working on it though.