The Basics..
Name: Agnes Arnold-Forster
Location: London, U.K
Age/birthday: Thirteen / 19th March
Sex: Girly
Marital status (single/taken): Taken
Sexuality: Straaaaaaaaaaaaaaaight
Band: Sex Pistols, No doubt, Bob Dylon, Razorlight, The Chillies, The Clash
Singer: Gwen Stefani (I like the lipstick)
Song: Sunday Morning (No doubt)
Movie: Finding Nemo
Book: Cloud Atlas (at the moment)
Food: Roast chicken and potatoes (Im a traditional kind of gal)
Do you have any talents?
Well, It depends what you mean by talent, I can lick my nose?
If you were given one wish, what would it be?
That my life keeps being as fabulous as it is now.
Who is your role model?
Vivien Westwood because she i so fabulous at design and art and se is truly an idividual. I would really love to make clothes like that. She also has really cool celebrity friends (Sex Pistols) Oh and she made Naomi Cambell fall over. *giggles*
What is your best/worst feature?
Best - I can spell. Worst - I am very self obsessed
Homosexual relationships:
It is not my business and it shouldnt matter whether people approve or not as it is not something you controll or choose. It is something that you are born with and people should just accept it.
I am definately pro choice. I think that there are certain situations where abortion is acceptable and people make mistakes. I alos think that some people are just not fit to be mothers and shouldnt be allowed to look after babies. If I ever got into that kind of situation then I would like to know that I had that option.
I strongly dislike the people in power at teh moment and I don't like the way there is so mych corruption in the world and the way you never really know what is the truth or not.
I cannot understand why anyone would approve of war and I hate the way the people in power abuse soldier's trust in sending them to places where there lives are not essential to their nation's security (e.g Iraq)
I only have my ears pieced but I wouldnt object to any others. It is purely down to personal choice. I also don't object to tatoos. Again It is up to the person. I wouldnt have a tatoo because of the way you look when you are older.
MAKE US LAUGH (joke, picture, etc.):
(this is my friend joke that she think is absolutely hilarious)
Knock Knock
Whos there?
Amos who?
Amos quito!
ha ha
Something random about yourself:
When I was little I had an imagenary pet ferret called custard.
What will you bring to this community?
Hopefully humour
Why do you feel you should be accepted?
Because I am eccentric and you can all laugh AT me.
Promote us to at least 3 communites or journals. Give us the direct link.
Can I do that on another post as my computer is being unreliable and I can't open more than one window.
Now we want to see your gorgeous face. At least 3 clear pictures of yourself.
I'm sorry they are not that interesting but I am not that photogenic and I look as though I have just been electrocuted in every photo of me I own.