my friends are retarded

Dec 26, 2004 15:50

"i couldnt find you anything" is no excuse. i told my friends i'd like gift certificates, and its not like they're never at media play or whatever. i went all the way to lawrencville/snellville to find saras cd about a 45 min drive, that was alot of trouble. out to smyrna to get her scarf a 30 min drive, to acworth to get her disco ball a 35 min drive, & to roswell to get her art supplies, a 20 minute drive. i went to another dick blick, but they didnt have what i was looking for her, that was a wasted drive. i added up how much i spent on sara, $54 BUCKS. and with will, he got me a $5 gift certificate which i guess was better than nothing, but you'd expect something more from someone you've been really close to for almost 4 years. and now, he fuckin expects me to go out and buy him some stupid cd, yeah fucking right. i already gave you your chrismtas presents that i made, had to go to saras 57834752 times for, made my mom drive back and forth, look for the stupid paper which was really expensive... i went thru alot of trouble for his stupid shirt and hoodie. and now he expects me to get him a cd TOO, when all he gave me was $5 that couldnt even buy a pair of underwear? yeah right. its not like they're poor. im not spending another dime on my friends, besides leslie, because she acctually got me something and i know she doesnt have much money to buy things for people, yet she managed to get me some things from junkmans nonetheless XD  i had to give her my money for her to go chrsitmas shopping. which i was okay with, because i know her situtation and i know she wanted to get her mom and levi things.  but she bought me things for christmas reguardless of how much money she had, or how much time she had. i love her XD. so anyway, like i said, "i couldnt find you anything" is NO FUCKING EXCUSE to not get your friends anything for x-mas. especially your BEST friend who spent alot of money and alot of time on getting you shit for chrismtas. YOU CAN BUY JASON SOMETHING FOR X-MAS WITH YOUR OWN MONEY AT LITTLE 5, BUT NOTHING FOR ME. not even a card from you, is pretty freakin sad.i think i got one from will and his family though. i got a card from emily, who i never ever speak too, she at least had the decency to write me. i dont understand you guys. i do too much for you. and i mean i love you both, but what the hell?
im not spending a dime on you guys again.
we're still friends, but thats pretty shitty you couldnt even get me a gift certificate sara to media play, you're there often. whatever.
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