SPN S5 Best Of

May 02, 2010 10:25

Hier kommt der zweite Teil, 10 Lieblingsszenen aus 5x11-5x20. Die Auswahl war echt schwierig! D:

5x11 Sam, Interrupted


[Jede Szene in der Jensen Ackles keine Hose trägt ist meine Lieblingsszene.]

5x13 The Song Remains the Same

- Oh, I take it all back, I love the devil.
That's what I call peace on earth.

[Ich weiss einen guten Lapdance immer zu schätzen. Zu blöd, dass Anna ihn unterbrechen musste. Ich hasse Anna, und dass sie Dean jetzt schon in seinen Träumen belästigen muss und war froh, als sie endlich gestorben ist.]

- I'm your son.
- What?
- I'm your son. Sorry, I don't know how else to say it. We're from the year 2010. An angel zapped us back here. Not the one that attacked you, friendlier.
- You can't expect me to believe that.
- Our names are Dean and Sam. Winchester. We're named after your parents. When I would get sick, you would make me tomato rice soup. Because that's what your mom made you. And instead of a lullaby, you would sing 'Hey Jude'. That's your favourite Beatles song.
- I... I don't believe it. No.
- I'm sorry, but it's true.
- I raised my kids to be hunters?
- No. No you didn't.
- How could I do that to you?
- You didn't do it. Because you're dead.
- What... What happened?
- Yellow-eyed-demon. He killed you and... John became a hunter to get revenge. He raised us in this life. Listen to me. A demon comes into Sam's nursery, exactly 6 months after he's born, November 2nd 1983. Remember that date and whatever you do, do not go in there. You wake up that morning and you take Sam and you run.
- It's not good enough, Dean. Wherever she goes, the demon is gonna find her. Find me.
- Well then what?
- She can leave dad, that's what. You gotta leave John.
- What?
- When this is all over. Walk away and never look back.
- So we're never born... He's right.
- I-I cant. You're saying that you're my children and now you're saying..-
- You have no other choice.
- There's a big difference between dying and never being born and trust me, we're okay with that, I promise you that.
- Well I'm not-
- Listen, you think you're gonna have that normal life that you want so bad... but you can't, I'm sorry. It's all gonna go rotten. You are gonna die. And your children will be cursed.
- There... There has to be a way...
- No, this is the way. Leave John.
- I can't.
- This is bigger than us. There's so many more lives at stake here.
- You don't understand. I can't. It's too late. I'm pregant.

5x14 My Bloody Valentine

- Your neck. I think I bit you.
- It's okay. It's good.
- I've been so alone. So empty.
- I know. Me too.
- I want you, Russel. All of you. Inside of me.

- This is Cupid?
- Yes.
- Is this a fight? Are we in a fight?
- This is their handshake.
- I don't like it.
- Noone likes it.

[I like it!! In dieser Serie wird sich zu wenig umarmt!]

- Please... I can't-... I need some help. Please.

[Aaaaah... :( Ich war mir so sicher und hatte solche Angst, dass Dean 'Ja' sagen würde.]

5x15 Dead Men don't wear Plaid

- Uhm, Ezra Jones?
Uh... What is it?
You think maybe you could tell me from here? Yeah, I'm gonna regret this.

5x16 Dark Side of the Moon

- Dad would never let us do anything like this. Thanks Dean, this is great.

Mama take this badge from me, I cant use it any more. It's getting dark, to dark to see, feels like I m knocking on heavens door.
Mama put my guns in the ground, I can't shoot them any more. That dark black cloud is coming down, feels like I'm knocking on heavens door.

[Ich mochte die Folge. Seeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhrrrrrrrrrrr. twking auch. Ich hatte ständig Pipi in den Augen, auch wenn es sooo kitschig war.]

- It's okay, Mom. Dad still loves you. I love you too. I'll never leave you.

[Ich kann Szenen mit Mary und Dean nicht widerstehen, immer schon. Sie brechen mir das Herz, vor Allem weil Dean im echten Leben die Mami sein musste.]

5x18 Point of No Return

- Let him go, you son of a bitch!
- I mean I thought I was downsized for sure. And for us, a firing? Pretty damn literal. But I should have trust the boss man. It's all playing out like he said. You, Dean, your hemorrhaging brothers. You're finally ready, right? You know there's no other choice. There's never been a choice.
- Stop it! Stop it right now!
- In exchange for what?
- Damn it, Zachariah. Stop it, please. I'll do it.
- I'm sorry, what was that?
- Okay, yes. The answer is Yes.
- Dean...
- Do you hear me? Call Michael down, you bastard.
- How do I know you're not lying?
- Do I look like im lying?

- Zodiredo…noco…aberamage…nazodpesade… He's coming.
- Of course I have a few conditions. :)

[Innerhalb von Sekunden von 'OHNOIIIIIIIIIN!!!' zu 'JUBELN!!! HAPPYHAPPYJOYJOY!'. Und wie super war es, dass Dean sein Versprechen wahr gemacht hat? "Angel or not, I will stab you in the face." - und vor allen: HALLO, Dean hat einen Engel getötet und nur Engel können Engel töten, okay? Dean, ich liebe dich so und das Gespräch am Ende im Auto! Aww! Erinnert mich an die Folge aus Staffel 2, wo der restaurierte Impala das erste Mal wieder auf der Straße ist und AC/DCs 'Back in Black' spielt auf voller Lautstärke und man selbst tanzt freudestrahlend und streckt die Fäuste triumphierend gen Himmel. (Genau so war es bei euch doch auch, lügt nicht!) Yaaaaay!]

Und nun demnächst das Finale. Ich mache mir ins Höschen. Bis auf den Sneak Peek (DEN ICH TOTAL LIEBE OMGWAAAAAAAAAAH!! Und vor allen WUSSTEN wir es!!!!) bin ich vollkommen spoilerfrei! Aufregend!

Happy Finale und schönen Sonntag noch!

chatlogs, jensen ackles gets his own tag, blah, obsession for men and women, tv owns my soul, photoshop-künste, spn

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