i hate tuesdays.

Jan 11, 2005 19:46

i hate tuesdays.  i swear, i have said that over 10 times today. because they are soooo long and terrible, and they uhh stink.

so first period was spanish. boring. not gonna bore you with the details, although me and molly did sing ironic and that was cool ; ) then was gym. ughhhhh when i was running backwards (pfft yeah nice warmup, angus BEEF) i fell right on my butt and like slid. ouch it hurts so bad!!! so i limped upstairs, only to turn back around to go to art elective *barfs* then science, in which we measured and weighed napolean. then math...haha i did bad on that test. anyway, then lunch, which is always cool. i watched caroline do jumping jacks and elana run in place in the middle of the lunchroom lol and kathy ask mr somerville "can. i. use. your. red. pen?" hah! then social studies *barfs again* well i get to work with kylie for the project. then we had la...oh God, our poetry alive thing is..well idk how to describe it. pathetic? no. stupid? no. 5 fools who dunno what the heck theyre doing-like? yes. well its pretty fun to see heather space out and play with her retainer, or jeff wiggle his hips and do the disco, or evan attempt to play the air guitar (and fail miserably) haha...so then was reading which wasnt too fun cuz we just did a worksheet (dang i hafta finish that) after school was theater. hah i did like nothing except buy an italian ice, yum! then i went to the bball games...both teams won woo hoo! mr cameron was like flipping out lol...well so was i. that was awesome--ibrahim with the winning basket at the buzzer =)

now im home, finishing hw, and listening as the rest of my family laughs in the kitchen and not like notice me. wow i feel loved = D

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