this one's for miss heather =)

Nov 11, 2004 14:11

in the words of ashlee pickford "im not gonna lie.. we were fuckin sick."
1st place yesterday? i think so fuckersssss ;) (best choreography and dance out of the whole competiton might i add)

well after that there was some team-bondage at the sleepover at jilly's. hahaha lots of fun there. good times.

if any of you happened to listen to jammin 94.5 this morning.. just so happens that mellissa from the morning show went to the competition and gave a shot out to every team that was there. and she was talking about some good teams and she said "...and of course hudson and marlborough too." then we called but we couldnt talk to them.. they did announce that we won first though =)

anyways.. now im working on my science fair research which is due tomorrow and i just started. im so stupid. such a slacker. I HATE SCIENCE FAIR, ITS THE BIGGEST PAIN IN THE ASS EVER!
and i have a really bad sore throat and i better not be getting sick =(

but yeah.. i think thats about it, comment pleaseeeeeeeee
i love you
<3 kori
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