FUCK YESSS!!! i am so fucking excited. eight hours & eighteen minutes hoes!
i still didn't pack.
or anything.
shiit hhaaa.
today was a great day!
for many reasons too.
a. pizza hut buffet.
it sucked but oh well i still liked it.
i was with bryan & chelsea. i <3 them!!!
i dropped chelsea off & went to bryan's.
we watched donnie darko. i like that movie.
hottie alert!!! haha... but no i liked that movie.
then we creeped around & stuff.
he burned me the from first to last cd
becausee he is cute like that!
i left there & picked up mr. daniel x jay himself.
we hit up panera. he cut in front of me in line! ugh. skank.
i have 3432423 pics of him now that's for sure!
i made a sweet shirt!
daniel's says 'get wild' with a big exclamation point on the back.
oh & the sleeves are cut off hahhaha...
dropped his cuteface off & went to dib & jill.
we went to meijers. bought foooooooooooooood.
that was sweeet. i'm so excited!!!
came home. mom freakedddd out haha.
went to meijer again with matt...
that was a great ending to this day <3
all i have to say is we have a gallon. hahahhaa.
& now his secret is out!!!