(no subject)

Jan 07, 2009 09:48

I don't know, we broke up and I feel like the appropriate thing to do is make a livejournal post.

It's sort of funny because just a couple weeks ago I explained my "mating season" theory to my mom. Everyone gets together in the fall and spring and breaks up midwinter. And they are! Left and right! I think it may be sadness and discontent over the weather that gets misguided and attributed to the significant other rather than the true demon - shitty fucking cold weather.

Things I like:
-My wilderness adventure themed flannel sheets
-Sims 2 (Addictive despite how lame it is)
-Lola who has recently become a lovely and less moody companion... No explanation for the switch yet
-That my party tonight will probably be a good one. I'm pretty sure I don't have much of a readership here but if you happen upon this and want to come all are welcome!
-Run on sentences
-Being a sneaky spy

Something I don't like: the back door to our apartment has changed shape and no longer fits in its frame. It takes a solid slam to get just a corner in. It's as far as it goes and yet it still takes two hands and several yanks to get it open.

Earlier this morning my curtain rod broke off the wall and landed on my head.

Between the curtain and the door my life is starting to feel like a comic routine. And not a very good one at that!
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