Nov 18, 2004 04:42
001) What time are you starting this?: 4:45a.m. wow im a night owl!
002) Name?: Lynette Ann Klish
003) Date of birth?: 09/17/86
004) Sex?: Female
005) Height?: 5'8.5
006) Eye color?: my eyes are green with red by the pupil
008) Location?: Mt Pleasant
009) Where were you born?: the D
010) Have you ever failed a grade?: hell no!
011) If you have, what grade did you fail?: ___
012) Do you have crush on someone?: Yes!!! Joe from Wheeler 701
013) Do you have a bf/gf?: I did but he's with Tucky Tabbi 420
014) If so, what is their name?: his name WAS Josh
015) How long have you been together?: we WERE together for about 1 year
016) What are you wearing right now?: my "smile mon no problem Bahamas" shirt and pants that i wore for 3 days and socks thta dont match in the slightest
017) Would you have sex before marriage?: opps!
018) Have you ever had a crush on any of your teachers?: Oh yes Mr. HOOD
019) Are you a virgin?: opps!
020) Do you smoke?: i have asthma
021) Do you drink?: average 3 days a week
022) Are you ghetto?: i thinks so....
023) Are you a player?: meh?
024) What are your favorite colors?: pink, purple, and GREEN
025) What is your favorite animal?: i love koala bears!!!!!!
026) Do you have any birthmarks?: on my ankle in the shape of a heart and one on my ass cheek!lol
027) Have you ever gotten your ass kicked?: i got scratched by tucki tabbi 420!
028) Who are your friends?: whoever wants to be!!!!... iguess
029) Have you ever beat someone up?: Yes. kristen martin and tabbi 420
030) Who do you talk to most on the phone?: Joyce!!!!
031) Have you ever been slapped?: no
032) Do you get online a lot?: no.
033) Are you shy or outgoing?: Im sooo craxy and outgoin ill talk to anyone!!!...
034) Do you shower?: NEVER! i shower everyday duh:)
035) Do you hate school?: i like it to a certain extent....
036) Do you have a social life?: im never in my room... im always with friends!
037) How easily do you trust people?: ?????
038) Have you ever lied to your best friends?: not sure.. probaly
039) Do you have a secret people would be surprised knowing?: hell yeah and im never telling it to a soul!!!
040) Would you ever sky dive?: i want to .
041) Do you like to dance?: I go dancing every thursday...thats how i met Joe!!!my long lost love:)
068) Have you ever been out of state?: Kentucky and Texas
069) Do you like to travel? if i had the money to
070) Have you ever been expelled from school?:almost..hehehe
071) Have you ever been suspended from school?: almost
071) Do you want to get out of your hometown?: i never want to go back now...i thought i did but fuck that
072) Are you spoiled?: HELL NO!
073) Are you a brat?: uuuhhh no
074) Have you ever been dumped?: yes and it sucks!
075) Have you ever gotten high?: last weekend
076) What's your favorite drink?: captain and cherry coke
077) Do you like Snapple?: never had it!
078) Do you drink a lot of water?: i have a huge gallon of water everyday!!! im not lying ask Billie!
079) What toothpaste do you use?: i dont feel like getting up to check
080) Do you have a cell phone or pager?: cellie
081) Do you have a curfew?: not since i was 15
082) Who do you look up to?: no one.
083) Are you a role model? maybe...
084) Have you ever been to Six Flags?: Six flags over Texas
085) What name brand do you wear the most?: AE or Old Navy
086) What kind of jewelry do you wear?: earings my tongue ring and an occasional necklace
087) What do you have pierced?: ears, belly button, tongue and......
088) What do you want pierced?: my nose
089) Do you like taking pictures?: of scenery.. no not really
090) Do you like getting your picture taken?: i love it it makes me feel loved
091) Do you have a tan?: a fake one
092) Do you get annoyed easily?: i hate the world sometimes
093) Have you ever started a rumor?: uh yea!
094) Do you have your own phone?: yea
095) Do you have your own pool?: at my old house....
096) Do you have any siblings?: Raymo(16)
097) Do you prefer boxers or briefs? i prefer nothing but a g-string up in my face
098) Have you ever been played?: wouldnt know
099) Have you ever played anyone?: i would never do that:)
100) Do you get along with your parents?: uummm... no
102) How do you vent your anger?: yell and throw shit and break stuff and cry
103) Have you ever run away?: no
104) Have you ever been fired from a job? no but i quit 2 of my jobs
105) Do you even have a job?: yea i work at the Detroit Zoo
106) Do you daydream a lot?: about Joe!!!!!!
107) Do you have a lot of exes?: not really
108) Do you run your mouth?: depends
109) What do you want a tattoo of?: nothind.
110) What do you have a tattoo of?: i have none.
111) What are your favorite flower?: none
112) What does your ex bf/gf look like?: ha fucking emu!!! lol
113) What does your most recent crush look like?: OH MY GOD i cant begin to explain....
114) Have you ever been bitched out?: not sure
115) When was the last time you bitched someone out?: last week
116) Are you rude?: no
117) What was the last compliment you received?: that they really liked my shirt!!!
118) Do you like getting dirty?: i feel dirty right now
119) Is your bellybutton an innie or outie?: innie
120) Are you flexible?: yea i can do a lot of crazy shit.. im not joking
121) What is your heritage?: polish
122) What is your lucky number?: i dont have luck:(
123) What does your hair look like right now?: up in apony tail
124) Could you ever be a vegetarian?: yea
125) When was your last real heartbreak?: 1 month ago
126) Describe your looks?: i thnk im good looking Walker love it!!
127) If you had to completely dye your hair it'd be what color?: black with red, and honey braow highlights
128) Would you ever date someone younger than you?: i have
129) Would you ever date someone older than you?: i have this thing for old guys!!!!
130) When was the last time you were drunk?: everyday mostly
131) When was the last time you went on a date?: umm not sure if i ever was on a real date
132) Would you rather give or receive oral sex?: uummm both is good
133) Have you ever given?:yea
134) Have you ever received?: yea
135) Have you ever had an eating disorder?: yea
136) Do you have one now?:yea i eat too much.. no not really
137) How many rings until you answer the phone?: 2
138) Have you ever been skinnydipping?: in a hot tub with jenna zambo
139) If yes, when was the last time?: homecoming game night senior year
140) Do you look more like your mother or father?: daddy
141) Do you cry a lot?: yea when im stressed wich is a lot
142) Do you ever cry to get your way?:no
143) If you had to amputate one limb, what would it be?: my finger.. does that count?
144) What phrase do you use most when on the phone?: "hahahah thats funny!"
145) Are you the romantic type?: OH GOOD GOD YES!
146) Have you ever been chased by cops?: wasnt chased but they got me!!
147) What do you like most about your body?: my growing boobs... my face
148) What do you like least about your body: my fat thighs
149) Who did you last hook up with?: JOE this past weekend! hehehe
150) When was the last time you threw up?: 3 weeks ago at Saras house i drank 12 beers in 30 minutes and then i pucked on my car!!!!!!
151) In the opposite sex, do you prefer blondes or brunettes? both
152) What do the shoes you last wore look like?: white nike's
153) Do you ever wear shirts to show your belly?: no!!!
154) What about cleavage?: hell yea my boobs are growing
155) Is your best friend a virgin?: no!!!!!!! thats a joke
156) Have you ever fucked someone up?: huh? i guess you can take it a few diff. ways tho?
157) Have you ever been fucked up?: re:#156
158) What color are your underwear right now?: white thong
159) What theme does your room have?: uummm a room that 4 college students hve
160) What size shoe do you wear? 10-11 women
161) What jewelry are you wearing now?: earrings, tongue ring
162) What is your screen name on AIM?: NettieCMU08
163) Would you pick a wedgie in public?: yea in the basketball courts yesterday
164) How are you feeling right now?: tired as fuck but i cant sleep
165) When was the last time you were at a party?: saturday
166) Have you ever given a lapdance?: uummm no?
167) What do you sleep in?: the usual... pants and a t-shirt
168) Has there ever been a rumor spread about you?: yea havent you heard im a lesbian!!!
169) What is one of your bad qualities?: i take things too seriously
170) What is one of your good qualities?: im fa fun person
171) Would you marry for money?: uummm no!
172) What do you drive?: "THE FIREBIRD" -Patrick
173) Have you ever given or received roadhead?: uummmm?
174) Are you more of a mama or daddy's child?: i guess a mamas girl? blah
175) What's does your lj username mean?: its obvious!!!!
176) What's your favorite lj to read?: ___jungle_love!!!!!!!!!<---------
177) When was the last time you cried in school?: graduation
178) Do you wear braces? i have perfectly straight teeth
179) For two million dollars, would you pose for Playboy?: i would for 10,000!!!!
180) What time are you finishing this?:5:30 aaahhhh im slow...i took a break