Aug 09, 2004 01:26
if any of you my true bealivers would like to be one of my new 12 disciples to save From certain death , and take back home with me to safe year in my spaceship please let me know.I need 3 reasons why i should think about letting you in. that is all
john titor
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first why would someone who isnt a conspiracy or a myth have both those listed in his interests list. why would 2005-2008 be an interest... we know what you said happens at that time, so why put it in an interest. i mean it just sounds like some geek loser who only knows what he's read about john titor, and doesnt know a damn thing about his interests at all. i could be wrong.
second... why dinosaurs. i mean, seriously, isnt that a tad juvinile.
third... john titor never used words like "baby!" in his posts, and john titor never had problems with spelling, or using old technology, after all if he did, he wouldnt be going back for a PENTIUM 5100... i mean seriously, your not fooling anyone.
and lastly... could you please take me off your friends list. i dont what some loser like you reading my journal, and i dont want your screen name on my info page. thank you.
Now, retell me EVERYTHING about how your spaceship works. In details so the idiot can understand. THEN I'll believe your John Titor.
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