you think you're doing bad?

Apr 05, 2006 08:56

Spanish 1- 45
BCIS- 70
Geometry- 72
World History- 66
Biology- 61
ROTC 2- 96

you think you're doing bad?
atleast you like school somewhat

anyways: The past few mornings have been filled with hanging out with Ricky and Eric and going to Burger King and vandalising some student teachers car. Thats the only fun i have in school, is getting in trouble, its the only things that makes coming to this hell hole day after day more tolearble, im thinking of transfering again, maybe to wylie. Teh subject of dropping out came to teh dinner table last nite and i have to sya things did not go well with that, there was some yelling and some crying and then there was more yelling and i just left for awhile and drove around liek i do when im bored or when i need time to think. I went to Cooper again and walked around and listened to music for about an hour, and cruised around on my skateboard unitl i got bored and just went back home.
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